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Having an Impact Dorset-grown CPD. Purely a start…. Glosmaths: a sample First steps: who decided? Intended outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "Having an Impact Dorset-grown CPD. Purely a start…. Glosmaths: a sample First steps: who decided? Intended outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Having an Impact Dorset-grown CPD

2 Purely a start…. Glosmaths: a sample First steps: who decided? Intended outcomes

3 Next Steps Who? What? Why?

4 Bringing it into focus Content? Format? Responsibilities? Teaching, as well as learning

5 Creating a Structure Why Teach Mechanics?...3 Question Prompts to support the teaching of mechanics….4 Mechanics Starter Kit……….7 Module specifications by Awarding Body……8 Resources: Kinematics………9 Resources: Statics…….61 Resources: Dynamics…………87 Resources: ‘…and Finally’, including ‘Things to make you go Hmm’..136

6 Why Teach Mechanics? interpretation of differential equations, the mathematical experience is deepened and challenged. The study of mechanics is thus fully justifiable in terms of mathematics learning, but also, if sympathetically taught, can link students into a rich historical and cultural tradition. Fundamental to an effective appreciation of all this, is an understanding of the notion of a mathematical model, together with its very precise vocabulary, and a modelling cycle, moving repeatedly between…

7 Question prompts… Find an example of a body whose centre of gravity can be established by symmetry; and another … Give an example of a body whose centre of gravity could not reasonably be established by symmetry; and another … Aiming for generality Give me an example of a body moving with a variable acceleration. Give me really peculiar example. Give me a general example. Give me an example of a body in equilibrium. Give me a peculiar example etc

8 Getting Equipped Making it easy for colleagues to put ideas into practice Finance vs flexibility: the contents of the ‘equipment box’

9 Pulling it Together Refining ideas Holding everyone to account Editing…and editing….and editing …to completion


11 Dissemination Best laid plans…. Plan B Teachers are using materials in different ways

12 Benefits to participants Reflection on practice: what is effective teaching and learning? Making links across the curriculum Giving confidence make teaching more engaging and motivating Maintaining contact

13 What could you do with…. Card CoG Treasure Hunt Match-Up Tasks from Pictures Unjumble Video Clip

14 In conclusion…. Working with colleagues from different schools is in itself constructive CPD A clear focus is important Tasks and responsibilities need to be very clear

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