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St John’s Fareham 23 rd October and 8 th November 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "St John’s Fareham 23 rd October and 8 th November 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 St John’s Fareham 23 rd October and 8 th November 2012 1

2  People before Property!  Leave the Building  Call the Fire brigade  If you are on duty, make sure everyone has left the building. Don’t put yourself in danger  Only use an extinguisher if you know how to use it and you are between the fire and the exit. 2

3  Possible Sources  Heater  Electrical  Candles  Fire Detection System  Extinguishers  Fire Hose  Main Electrical Power 3

4  Evacuation  Fire Exits Main Doors External Doors Back Door  Windows Major Services  Think about how you would get people out  Consider the elderly, children, disabled  Make sure the building is empty 4

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7 C ontrol Box

8  Key in ‘Access’ 514  Hit the ‘Silence Alarm’ button  Use the black key on the side of the control box to reset the ‘push button’ alarm that has been activated  Hit the ‘Reset Alarm’ button  Instructions are by the control box.  (Spare keys are in the office.)  Peter and Wardens have keys. 8

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10  All Fire Exit Doors must be left unlocked  All walkways must be clear  Make sure exits are clear  Bicycles should be left in the covered area on Redlands lane side (code 1963 – on black line)  Check Buggies are not blocking exits  Look for and remove trip hazards e.g. books, paper, cables  Remove any water on floor – spilt or due to wet weather. Does it need a ‘Wet Floor’ sign? 10

11  Dial 999 if appropriate – phone in Office  First Aiders  Brian Masters  Jon Hiscock  Phil Harding  Rachel Hicks  Sue Lupton  Colin Lupton  Nurses  Marnie Harding  Val Petrie  Margaret Stoppard  Sharon Dewar  Wendy Durrant  Enter details in Book 11

12  Water Leak  If there is a water leak Water cock is under flap in corridor by toilets  Next of Kin Cards  These are kept in the church safe  Access via Vicar and Church Wardens 12

13  Major Services e.g. Schools and Candle Lit Services  Service Leader must tell people where exits are  Need extra sides people by each of the opening windows  Even more important to ensure that ALL Fire Exit Doors must be left unlocked 13

14 St John’s Fareham 14

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16  Suggest you get there by 30-45 mins before service  Put on St John’s welcome badges  Ensure all Fire Exit Doors are unlocked  Ensure church is clean and tidy  Get books and leaflets ready  Light candles on altar  Adjust Blinds if necessary 16

17  Be ready to welcome people into church (all doors) by 8:30 for 9 am service and 10:00 for 10:30 service  Show people to seat if necessary.  Make sure you know when collection is to be taken  Ensure that there is someone by front and back doors for late comers up to end of first hymn  Get out children's play bags if necessary 17

18  Look around you and ensure visitors are able to follow services on the sheets – assist if necessary.  Take up collection – don’t forget the balcony if in use!  Count congregation – adults and under 16s separately 18

19  Collect in Service sheets  Hand out any items e.g. Pompey Chimes  Two people should count the money  Clear the church of Service sheets, paper, water glasses, coffee mugs etc.  Keep 10 copies of news sheets by entrance for Wednesday morning 19

20  Clean communion vessels  Continue being welcoming - Be prepared to be near the last to leave!  Ensure side and rear windows are closed  Check the nave and coffee area is cleared of all papers. Clean floors if necessary. 20

21  New Collection Recording form  Free will and Gift Aid Envelopes  Open Collection  Bagging Up  Other Money 21

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