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Class: Reception Term: Spring Ways in which you could help your child at home: Regularly reading / sharing books. Counting. Encouraging independent dressing.

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Presentation on theme: "Class: Reception Term: Spring Ways in which you could help your child at home: Regularly reading / sharing books. Counting. Encouraging independent dressing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class: Reception Term: Spring Ways in which you could help your child at home: Regularly reading / sharing books. Counting. Encouraging independent dressing and undressing. Practise name and number writing. Ensure all uniform is clearly named. If possible we would appreciate the following items, to help with resourcing the curriculum this half term: Unwanted toys / equipment in a very good condition eg duplo, lego, play mobil, small world – animals, dinosaurs, pirates, knights, princesses. Volunteers to join a play-doh rota. Dressing up. Thank you. Mrs Lambert x Topic: Traditional Tales Communication Language & Literacy: Phonics work using Letters & Sounds and Jolly Phonics. Reading simple captions and high frequency tricky words. Introduction of two letter graphemes e.g. ng, oa (25 in total). Continue to practise CVC blending & segmenting and apply this knowledge to reading and spelling simple two syllable words and captions. Traditional tales, speaking & listening, talking partners, role play / drama, circle time. Attempt writing for different purposes using features such as lists, stories and instructions. Write their own names and other things such as labels and captions. Mathematical Development: Use developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems involving counting and comparing in a real or role play context (with links to traditional tales). Counting reliably to 20 in ones and being to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Number recognition and formation. Use language such as greater, smaller, taller, one more and one less. Begin to relate addition to combining two groups of objects. Knowledge & Understanding of the World: Inv Investigate objects and materials by using the senses. Find out about, and identify, some features of living things, objects and events they observe. Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources, and adapting their work where necessary. Find out about past and present events in their own lives, and in those of their families. Begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs others. Both religion and ICT will be covered within this are of learning. Physical Development: PE on Mondays. Dance on Thursdays. Regular brain gym. Use a range of small and large equipment, move with control & coordination, confidence, imagination and safety, show awareness of space and others. Continue to use tools and materials with increasing control. Personal, Social & Emotional Development: Continued to be interested & motivated to learn. Be confident to try new activities and speak in a familiar group. Maintain attention & concentration. Have a developing awareness of their own needs, views & feelings and be sensitive to those of others. Dress and undress independently and manage their own hygiene. Circle time, discussion, talking partners, sharing views. Creative Development : Exploring media and materials, music (simple songs, repeated sound patterns and matching movement to music), using their imaginations, responding to experiences and expressing and communicating ideas.

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