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AO1 - revision Read the description of AO1 in the back of your books. What will ensure you achieve high marks for this assessment objective?

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Presentation on theme: "AO1 - revision Read the description of AO1 in the back of your books. What will ensure you achieve high marks for this assessment objective?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AO1 - revision Read the description of AO1 in the back of your books. What will ensure you achieve high marks for this assessment objective?

2 AO2 - revision Read the description of AO2 in the back of your books. What will ensure you achieve high marks for this assessment objective?

3 The Lovely Bones Objective: to develop understanding of how the exam will be assessed

4 Read pages 279-280 How does Sebold use representations of speech and other literary techniques to convey Abigail and Jack’s grief in the following extract?

5 Student Response 4 1. Read the student response and highlight every technical term that is used. 2. Write some brief ‘examiners comments’ in the space next to the essay – positives and negatives. 3. Give the essay a mark (out of 15) for AO1 and a mark (out of 15) for AO2 using your marking grid.

6 Compare your marks and comments with the examiner’s.

7 Student response 3 1. Read the student response and highlight every technical term that is used. 2. Write some brief ‘examiners comments’ in the space next to the essay – positives and negatives. 3. Give the essay a mark (out of 15) for AO1 and a mark (out of 15) for AO2 using your marking grid.

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