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Improving Customer Service in Harrow Reducing Repeat Callers Jonathan Milbourn – Head of Customer Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Customer Service in Harrow Reducing Repeat Callers Jonathan Milbourn – Head of Customer Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Customer Service in Harrow Reducing Repeat Callers Jonathan Milbourn – Head of Customer Services

2 I feel your pain!




6 Understanding Our Customers

7 ●Late/middle aged, married couples ●Teenage children ●Expensive, detached houses ●Luxury cars ●Very high incomes, investments ●Top professions, senior managers ●Well educated ●Waste & Recycling ●Environmental services ●Highways ●Preferred Communication Channel - Web Segments A & B - Extremely wealthy professionals - Financially secure older couples - 24.3% of households Understanding Your Customers

8 ●The Neighbourhood Champions scheme is a network of volunteers throughout Harrow whose role is to inform us about everyday street level issues such as litter, graffiti, fly-tipping, ASB and broken street lamps that they see in their own streets. ●A joint initiative between Harrow Council and the Metropolitan Police. ●This scheme is about getting the community involved to help highlight street level issues so something positive can be done about them. ●It isn’t about spying or informing on neighbours and other residents. ●The scheme was initially launched in Spring 2010 and there are currently 1,000 Neighbourhood Champons in operation What is a Neighbourhood Champion?

9 Resolution at First Point of Contact



12 Member’s Casework

13 The Results YearUnique visitors per month Transactions per month Total Account Holders Monthly Account Users 2008/968,2501,350N/A 2009/1072,5132,826N/A 2010/1173,7744,95038751,619 2011/1277,91812,86312,7104,740 2012/13115,76422,72432,92110,412

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