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Business Case Workshop PSCSF Leeds May 2013 Gerald Power

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1 Business Case Workshop PSCSF Leeds May 2013 Gerald Power

2 No Correct Answers There are no correct answers, the aim is to become aware of key issues I have flagged some very obvious errors others often make Its also not just about getting approval, its about delivering the desired outcomes

3 Hard Cash

4 Is that all there is? Seems low for that kind of population and Authority This is a critical assumption, where is the evidence its possible? What do your demographic surveys say?

5 These need to be un-packed and shown against your bottom line, which budgets are these savings coming from? Can they be realised as savings?

6 These figures are very commonly used, but they cannot be trusted as they depend on assumptions that are typically untrue for local authorities. You have to trace the savings back to your actual costs and budget lines.

7 Rate of shift is also critical if you have to borrow or cut to invest, so it really needs some close attention. If this is slow or the targets are never hit you make a loss not a saving!

8 Have you optimised what you are doing now? Is this case supported by the people in contact with the customers?

9 Hard Politics

10 This is a project driven entirely by a desire for easy cuts to those most in need. It doesn’t take into account the impact on the local community! Why do they think that? Did you communicate that to them? What might change their minds?

11 …this is clear discrimination, what about the older or disabled people who can’t use computers or with poor reading skills? Why do they think that? Did you communicate that to them? What might change their minds?

12 With Universal Credit being introduced people will need more not less face to face help to get them through it. Why do they think that? Is there any truth to this? What might change their minds?

13 We want a commitment that none of the one stops will close our people depend on them not just for services but for their community activities in the evenings and weekends. Why do they think/feel like that? Is there any truth to this? What might change their minds/ could you look at alternatives?

14 Politicians Service Managers Service Users Success implies that you have a case that works with all of these stakeholders

15 Its more than one Proposition Core Proposition ‘Vision’ Financial Case Delivery Case Quality Case How will the outcomes as perceived by customers change? What will change for those delivering the services and is it technically sound? Is it affordable and will it lead to cashable benefits?

16 Discussion and Questions Gerald Power

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