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Securing an outstanding judgement for behaviour and safety Developing pupil voice.

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Presentation on theme: "Securing an outstanding judgement for behaviour and safety Developing pupil voice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Securing an outstanding judgement for behaviour and safety Developing pupil voice

2 Pupil Voice Council Surveys Online opportunities (social networking) Feedback after observations Involvement in learning walks

3 School Council How representative is it of the school/setting? Is it valued by the pupils? How is it elected? What evidence do you have of where the council has influenced change?

4 Building an Effective School Council All pupils in the school are involved in the school council It is pupil-led It is part of the school’s ethos and practice It deals with the core issues of the school It makes a difference

5 To enable this to happen Full and active support from the head teacher and senior leadership team. Integration of pupil participation into the decision-making structures of the school. A structure that includes a full system of class councils, that actively involves all pupils. A school council link teacher who is sufficiently senior to be able to persuade and monitor form tutors to facilitate class discussions, and have school council as a key (not minor) part of their job description. Positive relationships between staff and pupils that are as adult in tone as possible, with equitable interactions, and sensible rules and sanctions.

6 Surveys Involve pupils in their development Make them accessible for all pupils Communicate how their opinions have influenced policy and practice and where it cannot happen why this is the case

7 What to you want to know? Clarity of Expectations Their experience as learners Quality of relationships Making a contribution Safety How they feel about school Behaviour

8 Social networking Opportunities for pupils to contribute through online discussions To respond to consultations To report concerns about themselves and others To share ideas!

9 Informing the evaluation of teaching and learning Feedback to pupils as well as staff after lesson observations Give them a greater understanding of how their behaviour influences their learning and that of their classmates Give pupils and class, where appropriate individual targets to improve behaviour Involve them in learning/behaviour walks

10 Subsidiary Guidance In addition to the approaches set out above, inspectors may wish to use or adapt the following evidence gathering strategies when investigating bullying. –Tour the school site with a group of pupils to identify areas where they do not feel safe. Talk about behaviour, bullying, and staff expectations. –Revisit, during break and lunchtime, any areas of the school mentioned by pupils as being unsafe, such as the playground or toilets. –Meet a group of pupils who joined the school at times other than the start of the academic year. –Meet with other groups and give pupils time to talk before responding to questions about behaviour and bullying.

11 In conclusion Take time to reflect on where your school is in relation to using pupil voice effectively. Identify three key actions for week term


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