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Ma ville française Delete this text and write the name of your town here Delete this text and complete the section below with people’s names in your activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Ma ville française Delete this text and write the name of your town here Delete this text and complete the section below with people’s names in your activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ma ville française Delete this text and write the name of your town here Delete this text and complete the section below with people’s names in your activity group. Par………,…………et…………………… You can change the background colour, fonts types and sizes, but keep the titles

2 La ville Delete this text and say where the town is Write 2 sentences to describe it Add a picture in the next box

3 Les activités pour les visiteurs Delete this text and list activities that can be done in the town. Include photos to illustrate TIP. Don’t use clipart but real pictures that show what your town is like.

4 Les activités pour les visiteurs Same as slide 3If needed Otherwise delete this slide

5 Les courses Delete this text and mention what sort of interesting shopping can be done In the town. Illustrate with real life pictures

6 L’historique Delete this text and mention 1 or 2 simple historical facts about the town. Use the other boxes for illustrations

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