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Active Numeracy Workshop for Parent and Carers. Aims To support the raising of attainment in mathematics and numeracy across all stages To raise awareness.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Numeracy Workshop for Parent and Carers. Aims To support the raising of attainment in mathematics and numeracy across all stages To raise awareness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Numeracy Workshop for Parent and Carers

2 Aims To support the raising of attainment in mathematics and numeracy across all stages To raise awareness of the strengths and areas for improvement in children and young people’s numeracy skills

3 Confidence To face the challenges of the 21 st century, each young person needs to have confidence in using mathematical skills. BTC 1 Setting achievable goals Cross-age peer tutoring has a positive effect on motivation and achievement (R.T.)

4 What is Numeracy? Numeracy is a skill for life, learning and work. It is not just a subset of mathematics, it is also a life skill which permeates and supports all areas of learning. (Maths and Numeracy Principles and Practices paper)

5 Mathematics to achieve Mathematics is important in our everyday life, allowing us to make sense of the world around us and to manage our lives.

6 Links with Literacy Both involve the manipulation of abstract symbols, numbers...... and letters

7 Numbers in real life Think of the amount of numbers we see on a daily basis Can you brainstorm where you have encountered numbers today?

8 Numbers in Society Football match Planning a holiday Supermarket shopping Mobile phone tariffs Sales Pocket money Bills Time

9 Numeracy

10 Mental Maths Does being able to calculate mentally matter? Activity 1 – here are the answers, what might the questions be? A) 9 B) 3 C) 0 D) 21 E) 88

11 Approaches Recalling facts e.g. What is 3 + 7? Applying facts e.g. What are the factors of 42? Applying reasoning – I have 7 coins in my purse with a total of 23p, what could they be?

12 More approaches Designing and comparing procedures e.g. How might we count a pile of sticks? Interpreting results e.g. Double 15 and double again; now divide your answer by 4. What do you notice? Will this always work? Applying reasoning e.g. Why is the sum of two odd numbers always even?

13 Number, money and measure Number, number system, operations, standard measures, money and timeEstimating and roundingCalculating mentallyPlace valueConcepts, notation, fractions, decimal fractions, percentagesInverse processes to problem solvePatternsAlgebraic thinking

14 Addition and Subtraction Counting forwards and backwardsReorderingCounting on or backCompensation e.g. 34 + 9 (34 + 10 – 1)Bridging a multiple of 10Using near doublesBridging through 60 to calculate a time interval

15 Mental Strategies Regular short practice keeps the mind fresh If you don’t use it, you lose it!

16 Questions – Open V Closed Count these cubes How could we count these cubes? What is 6-4? Tell me two numbers with a difference of 2. How many centimetres are there in a metre? Tell me two lengths that together make 1 metre

17 Multiplication and Division Repeated additionAs an array e.g. Four rows of three objectsAs a scaling factor e.g. Making a line 3cm long 4 times as longKnowing x and ÷ facts to 10 x 10Doubling and halvingX and ÷ by single digit number and x by 2 digit numbersFinding fractions, decimal fractions and percentages

18 Grouping dots How many ways can you group 12 dots in a rectangular array?

19 Partitioning What is 12 x 7?You could do:12 = 10 and 2 so...10 x 72 x 7Add together

20 Shape, position and movement Classifying and relating 2D and 3D objects and their properties Geometry skills relating to angle, symmetry and transformation

21 Information handling Interpreting statistical information in the world around us Assessing risk and making informed decisions

22 Problem Solving Drawing upon these key aspects to solve a wide range of problemsReal life problems Scenarios across the curriculum e.g. Art/ music – patterns and symmetry Languages/ HE, design technology – time, money, measure Science/ social studies– graphs/ charts Demonstrate confidence in using language, properties and thinking skills

23 What Can I Do to Help My Child? Talking to your child about their experiences e.g. a trip to the shops – how many numbers? Fun maths tasks e.g. Dividing chocolate barsHelp with recipes/ t.v. guides/ newspapers/ magazinesHave fun with numbers (websites)Number puzzles, SudokuHelp with maths at home

24 Websites to support numeracy Manga highEducation city (schools subscribe)SumdogTut-pupICT magic

25 Workshop You are now invited to take part in our numeracy workshop

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