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1 Higher History Blog  https://blogs.glowscotland.o History/ https://blogs.glowscotland.o History/

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2 1 Higher History Blog  https://blogs.glowscotland.o History/ https://blogs.glowscotland.o History/ https://blogs.glowscotland.o History/

3 2 Votes for Women An Introduction

4 3 Votes for Women In this unit, we will study the reasons why women got the vote by 1918. 1.The “New Woman”-Pre-War Changes to women’s lives. 2.“The Cause” - Suffrage Movements 3.“The Reward”- Women in World War One

5 4 Background  Before we examine the reasons why women got the vote, we need to understand the position of women in society at the beginning of the twentieth century.

6 5 Women as ‘second class citizens’  Read pages 27 and 28 of the ‘Britain & Scotland and Germany’ textbook (OR pages 20 and 21 of the ‘Britain and Scotland’ textbook).  In what ways were women regarded as ‘second-class citizens’ in the 19 th century?

7 6 Separate Spheres  Men = work, politics, war etc  Women = home, family etc

8 7 Jobs and Wages  Middle class women not allowed to work.  25% of working class women worked.  Long hours, low wages (generally a third of male wages), did not get promoted.  Women got most menial jobs e.g. female live in servant worked 6½ days per week for £17 per year.

9 8 Education  Generally limited to middle class women.  Primary education was not made compulsory until 1880, free in 1894.  Secondary and university education not deemed as appropriate for women.  Women could attend lectures at university but often were barred from exams.

10 9 Laws  Laws portrayed male bias.  1857 Divorce Act – husbands given the right to divorce their wives. Divorce could only be initiated by the husband!  In 1884, 2/3rds working class men were given the vote but no women.

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