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Mary Boole and Nikki Tilson January 2014

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1 Mary Boole and Nikki Tilson January 2014
Assessment update Mary Boole and Nikki Tilson January 2014

2 EYFS 25% of schools will be moderated between 9th and 20th June.
Schools that are being moderated will be notified during the final week of the Spring term ie w/b 31st March Schools need to return their EYFS assessments to LA by Friday 27th June. Refer to the EYFS guidance when awarding 3 points to a child

3 Phonics testing Test week, for Y1 and for Y2 who did not reach the threshold in Y1, is w/b 16th June Absent pupils can be tested in w/b 23rd June Final date for return of data to LA - 27th June. Open from 16th June Changes this year – threshold pass mark will not be released until 30th June If schools don’t know if a child new to Y2 has been tested can use – searchable data function

4 KS1 moderation Approx 25% of schools will be moderated by the LA between 3rd June and 13th June Schools to be moderated will be told in the last week of the spring term ie w/b 31st March 3 different pupils in each subject in each level in each class will need to be moderated ie 9 per class Final date for submission of data to LA – Wednesday 25th June. Open from 2nd June

5 KS2 Reminders (1) Changes to the reading test in 2014 – texts are not linked by theme. Sample level 3-5 reading materials, including the mark scheme, are available from the DfE website Maths – calculators not allowed in either paper L3-5, but are allowed in L6 paper.

6 Reminder (2) SPAG: Rules about correct use of capital and lower case letters Writing: Approximately 25% of schools will be moderated between 19th May and 6th June. Those schools will be notified in w/b 31st March A minimum of 15% of pupils in each class are to be moderated ie 5 pupils Exemplification materials are on DfE website, including level 6

7 Y6 – pupil registration The pupil registration section of NCA tools opens on Monday 24th February and closes on 21st March This includes registration for L3-5 tests and L6 tests

8 KS2 Teacher Assessment All schools should submit their KS2 teacher assessments (including P scales), directly to the STA on the Teacher Assessment section of NCA tools ( We also ask that schools send the data to Deadline – strongly recommend Friday 20th June (open from 12th May)

9 KS2 Thresholds 2014 A school will be below the threshold if:
Fewer than 65% of pupils achieve L4 in Reading, Writing, Maths (and SPAG?) AND It is below the median for progression by two levels in Reading, Writing, Maths Current Median for progress: Reading – 91% Writing – 95% Maths – 92%

10 Access arrangements Important changes:
Schools will need to use the Access arrangements section of the NCA tools website and respond to a short series of questions about the child. They will be notified immediately of the outcome of their application via NCA tools The site opens on 3rd February and closes on 14th April

11 Training for School Administrators
Thursday 27th March – 9.30 – 12 (at Tooley St) Booking through Alison Carter

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