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Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: an update for HoDoMS Birmingham 3 April 2007 +44 (0)1223 335980 (& 982)

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Presentation on theme: "Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: an update for HoDoMS Birmingham 3 April 2007 +44 (0)1223 335980 (& 982)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: an update for HoDoMS Birmingham 3 April 2007 +44 (0)1223 335980 (& 982)

2 The Institute Opened in 1992 Encourages informal interaction 1 – 6 month research programmes, with workshops Includes Faulkes Gatehouse Office space for 40 visitors Full facilities support: library, computing, housing, administration…

3 Research Programmes 2006-2009

4 Scientific Areas of Participants based in UK Institutions 2002-05 (including workshops)

5 Who attends from the UK? Age range and gender balance of UK participants in 2005-06

6 Where do they come from? Geographical distribution of UK participants during 2005-06

7 How the Institute supports Programmes Financial support – primarily from EPSRC: - Per 6 Month Programme: – c. £100K for travel and subsistence – c. £60K for stipends – c. £5K for Rothschild Visiting Professor – c. £5K for Junior Members – Can include buyout of time from home institution for organisers/ key participants - Seek additional funding for workshops, satellites Administrative support – from an experienced team of support staff

8 Junior Membership For Research Students or Post-docs within 5 years of being awarded a PhD (allowances for career breaks) Must be based in a UK university/academic institution/ R&D group Grants of up to £500 per candidate to attend INI activities (at discretion of programme organisers) Apply online

9 Satellite Workshops Opportunity to widen access to Institute programmes Held at a suitable location in UK, as part of a programme Typically one week long Usually at places with a concentration of researchers Long term participants travel to the workshop 22 so far: Bristol, Brunel, Durham, East Anglia, Edinburgh (4), Gregynog (3), Leeds (2), Liverpool, Oxford (2), Southampton, Surrey, Warwick (4) 8 planned: Bath, Cardiff, Edinburgh (4), Reading, Warwick Ideally seek additional funding support (EC, RCs, Wellcome, industry…)

10 How the Institute supports Visitors Dedicated Housing Officer - selection of managed properties available Computing facilities - Sun workstations, email, WWW, FTP, printing Audio visual – support for presentations; recording and dissemination of seminars (400+ pa online) Library – with specialist collection, preprint publication service, access to Betty and Gordon Moore Library, (35K books, 900 hard copy journals) and to University Library

11 Governance of the Institute Scientific Steering Committee National Advisory Board Correspondents Management Committee

12 Institute Committees Scientific Steering Committee Professor Sir John Ball FRS FRSE (Chair) University of Oxford Professor KG Binmore CBE University College London Professor M Broué Institut Henri-Poincaré Professor EK Burke University of Nottingham Professor PV Coveney FInstP FRSC University College London Professor CS Frenk FRS University of Durham Professor PJ Green FRS University of Bristol Professor EB Martin University of Newcastle Professor JG McWhirter FRS FREng QinetiQ Professor C Series University of Warwick Professor LN Trefethen FRS University of Oxford Professor M-F Vigneras University of Paris Professor M Vingron Max Planck Professor Sir David Wallace CBE FRS FREng Director, Newton Institute National Advisory Board Professor Sir John Ball FRS FRSE University of Oxford Professor B Bruce University of Hull Professor P Grindrod CBE Lawson Software, Oxford Dr RE Hunt Deputy Director, Newton Institute Professor Sir Peter Knight FRS Imperial College, London Professor J McWhirter FRS FREng QinetiQ Professor EG Rees FRSE (Chair) University of Bristol Professor G Roberts University of Lancaster Dr A Rogers King's College London Professor E Salje FRS University of Cambridge Professor S Schaefer London Business School Professor JF Toland FRS FRSE ICMS, Edinburgh Sir David Wallace CBE FRS FREng Director, Newton Institute

13 What Correspondents are asked to do… Act as a channel for two-way communication between the Institute and the UK mathematical sciences community Disseminate information within their institution, especially to relevant departments other than mathematics: –Encourage: proposals; hosting of satellite workshops; participation in INI programmes; Junior Membership applications. –Awareness of INI web site seminars online HOP seminars online.mht; participants as potential seminar speakers (INI pays travel) See eg AGA Participant List.mht and INI Participants willing to speak seminars online.mhtAGA Participant List.mhtINI Participants willing to speak elsewhere.mht Keep INI informed of suggestions, comments, criticisms, apparent obstacles to participation etc

14 … and what the Institute does Issues information bulletin 3 times a year Advertises programmes and workshops Updates Correspondents on news and receives their feedback Assists programme organisers with satellite arrangements

15 Visits Nov: Birmingham, Manchester Dec: Nottingham, Loughborough, Durham Feb: Warwick Mar: Brunel, Edinburgh/ Heriot Watt, Stratchclyde Apr: Glasgow May: RAL, OU, Bristol, Swansea, Sheffield, Leeds … - invitations welcome + ICMS, IAS Princeton, IHES Bures

16 Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences 20 Clarkson Road Cambridge CB3 0EH Telephone: 01223 335999 Fax: 01223 330508 Email:

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