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Presentation to the East Sussex Strategic Partnership 21 January 2014 Nigel Hannam Wealden District Council The Duty to Co-operate.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the East Sussex Strategic Partnership 21 January 2014 Nigel Hannam Wealden District Council The Duty to Co-operate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the East Sussex Strategic Partnership 21 January 2014 Nigel Hannam Wealden District Council The Duty to Co-operate

2 Covering……. What is the Duty to Co-operate ? Why is it important ? What have we done so far ? What are we planning to do ? Issues going forward …… Questions

3 What is the Duty to Co-operate ? Statutory Duty to Co-operate on all local plans – created by Section 110 of the Localism Act 2011 Goes considerably beyond simple consultation Requires councils and other public sector bodies to engage constructively, actively and on-going. Also highlighted in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

4 Why is it important ? Provides / requires cross border co-operation on strategic issues Is a legal duty considered by the Planning Inspectorate before considering any Local Plan’s soundness A number of councils have fallen at this first hurdle including locally Mid Sussex and Brighton and Hove So this is a major issue covering key areas including:  Housing  Employment  Transportation  Infrastructure  Waste & Minerals

5 Excellent work across East Sussex Regular officer meetings & co-operation Inaugural East Sussex Strategic Planning Members Group meeting on 26 September 2013 Memorandum of Understanding agreed between East Sussex Local Authorities What have we done so far ?

6 What are we planning to do ? Key initial items for work programme are;  Managing housing needs & pressures  Supporting strategic infrastructure provision  Being efficient and consistent on common policy issues Members Group to meet again in March Potential links and involvement with other bordering Councils

7 Issues going forward ? Housing numbers and delivery Strategic infrastructure Environmental protection and enhancement Economic growth & development Sustainability


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