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Child Protection Whole School Staff Training. The BIG Picture Reduction in child deaths nationally since school and multi-agency training began. 200 cases.

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1 Child Protection Whole School Staff Training

2 The BIG Picture Reduction in child deaths nationally since school and multi-agency training began. 200 cases a year referred by schools in Ealing. But don’t know what we don’t know.NSPCC research- one in twenty ! School staff, teaching and importantly non- teaching, uniquely placed to spot possible abuse. No other agency has long term trusting, relationships with children and parent. Disclosures, changes over time, physical evidence all able to come to staff’s notice.

3 Am I Bovered Individual staff members are likely to come across cases in the course of their professional life.Duty to refer possible abuse. Inspection and ofsted’s limiting judgement., Government’s Every Child Matters agenda,Extended schools all emphasis the central role of schools in keeping children safe.

4 Legal Framework School’s duty is to refer cases where investigation may be needed. Only social services and police can investigate. Education must co-operate. Children Act 1989 and 2004 and Every Child Matters “Working Together “ DFES circular Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment Separate C P section in all school Ofsted reports…the limiting judgement

5 Key Tasks for Schools A child Protection policy and procedure, reviewed annually. A designated child protection teacher Safe recruitment procedures Training for designated teacher( every 2 years),whole school (every 3 years)and Governing Body. Curriculum, listening culture,recording systems.

6 What is child abuse Most things are not, but how to distinguish normal marks,behaviour changes,and children in need from the early signs of abuse. Children Act identifies significant harm in 4 areas.They may overlap. Physical,sexual, emotional, and neglect. Role of ethnicity,culture,social class,personal experience.

7 Signs and Symptoms Trust gut feelings, get the wider picture, always consult. Sexual abuse:disclosures,age inappropriate sexual knowledge Neglect: hungry, wrong clothing,smelly. Emotional: scapegoating,”low warmth high criticism”. Frozen child. Physical: frequency,vulnerable areas of the body,marks?, changing/different explanations,adults state of mind drunk or drug abusing.

8 Issues Is smacking legal? Parents rights. Social ambivalence. Never did me any harm Sexual pre-occupation Drip feed,testing out, listening,example of other children. CHILD’S WELFARE PARAMOUNT IS THE FIRST PRINCIPLE OF THE CHILDREN ACT

9 Why Can Concerns be Missed Child may be intimidated, loyal, not know any different. Adults may worry about mistakes,parents rights.Identify with the stress. Making it worse, Breaking up families (less that 1% of children referred are removed from home ) Reprisals. Legal security,physical safety, Too understanding!

10 Causes and their Treatment Causes. Stress,family psychology, dangerous people. Reduce stress with support and monitoring Skilled psychological treatment of family dynamics Lock up and treat dangerous offenders

11 Outcomes. Mostly very good. Almost all children get an effective support package and come off the child protection register. Less that 1 % removed from home.Adults who were ill treated report that help was effective.

12 From suspicion,to concern,to referral,to plan. Listening to staff. Reaching out to staff. Where everyone knows your name.Role of Designated teacher Recording Getting the wider picture. Organising information Child protection advisers

13 From suspicion,to concern,to referral,to plan. Who are you going to call. Call centre and social workers Referral form Case conference. Report form. Core groups. A multi-agency plan Reviews Trouble Shooting

14 Parents Second Principle of the children act is “work co-operatively with parents” Tell the parent about the referral unless it puts the child at risk. Decide with the social worker on who will say what and when to the parent. School has to talk to parent at some stage as usually a relationship will continue. A task for senior management.

15 Sex and Drugs and Rock an Roll Allegations against staff Private fostering Female Genital Mutilation Domestic Violence Drug misuse Forced Marriage Sexual exploitation Teenage Pregnancy

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