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St Helens Schools Software Update Seminar 9.15 Welcome and Introductions (Mouchel) 9.30 SIMS for School Improvement (CSS) Making the link between attendance.

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Presentation on theme: "St Helens Schools Software Update Seminar 9.15 Welcome and Introductions (Mouchel) 9.30 SIMS for School Improvement (CSS) Making the link between attendance."— Presentation transcript:


2 St Helens Schools Software Update Seminar 9.15 Welcome and Introductions (Mouchel) 9.30 SIMS for School Improvement (CSS) Making the link between attendance and behaviour A look at the new resources provided to support Primary Schools with pupil tracking and curriculum management Using management information to support decision making Reporting to parents 11.00 Coffee 11.15 SIMS in the Office (CSS) Making SIMS work for you Delivering SIMS into the classroom Personnel 7 - Overview What has been delivered this term and what will be delivered next 12.00 Practical Update (Mouchel) Where we are in St Helens Planning appropriate hardware resources Training programme for 2008/9 12.30 Lunch

3 Capita Childrens Services

4 Practical Update Where we are in St Helens? Planning for appropriate hardware resources Training Programme 2008/2009 Q & A

5 Where we are in St Helens…….. –SIMS Roadmap  All schools running August Release  Move to November release for CENSUS  Capita moving to 3 releases a year  All schools trained for ‘Attendance 7’  All schools migrated to FMS SQL  P7 – pay related file for St Helens available

6 –Close links with LA:  Finance  SEN  EWO’s  School Improvement /Assessment  Healthy Schools  Forums –Working towards SIMS Accreditation  February/March 2009  Your help is required! Where we are in St Helens……..

7 Planning for appropriate hardware resources 3 year cycle to be budgeted for Online catalogue with 5 year warranties Support and advice from Mouchel

8 Training Programme 2008/2009 “New” Autumn Term 2 Brochure out! New courses being advertised FREE! Workshops now advertised New home within Fronter – Staff Connect What other courses do you want to see advertised?........

9 Questions & Answers Feedback is a gift! Evaluations please……

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