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Update on Changes: Business Economics, Marketing & Statistics In-Country EV Training May 2012 Workshop C.

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2 Update on Changes: Business Economics, Marketing & Statistics In-Country EV Training May 2012 Workshop C

3 Why change?  Ensure techniques, knowledge and skills keep pace with a rapidly changing world  To ensure that the awards remain an important and credible entry mechanism to employment and further study  To continue to meet the needs of employers  To ensure that the awards are adapted in line with the expectations of all stakeholders

4 Scope of the change  To better exemplify standards  To retain the standard and quality  Increase flexibility of assessment  Reduce the assessment load  Improve Core Skills Guidance

5 Are the changes large or small?  The changes are subtle rather than large or small  The changes are important and are based on feedback

6 Spot the difference activity (approximately 15 -20 minutes) The sheets show a selection of outcomes from three Units, the outcomes from the old Units are on the left and the corresponding outcomes for the new Units on the right. I would like each of you to study the sheets. On the right hand side mark where you have identified a change in the new Unit on the right, compared to the old Unit on the left. You may wish to indicate whether you feel the change is either a minor or a more significant change. Discussion with your colleagues is encouraged during this activity.

7 Spot the changes activity You will have managed to identify many changes, some of which are minor whilst others are more significant. The more significant ones include: –More flexibility in the form of assessment (in some cases) –More out of class assessment is allowed –The removal of cut-off scores Spot the difference answers

8 Other points to note  The Course Tutor Guides are a vital source of information and guidance  The website is also vital  It is critical that the centres appreciate that the Units are different and that they must deliver the correct Units on the new courses.  Same names, different codes  Unit specifications and evidence requirements are critical (these set the standards)  Assessment Exemplars, but alternative methods may be possible  Sufficiency of alternative assessments and prior verification

9 Other points to note  Plagiarism  Security of Assessment Exemplars is essential  Must check for updates as Unit specifications and Assessment Exemplars can change

10 Finally...  Advise that each subject should have its own folder to act as a resource  Stress the regular updating of the folders  Provide reassurance  Cascade your knowledge out to the centres  GOOD LUCK


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