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Hebrews 13 How do you say goodbye?. Keep on loving each other V1 presupposes that we already are We need to be involved Spiritual and practical, not as.

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Presentation on theme: "Hebrews 13 How do you say goodbye?. Keep on loving each other V1 presupposes that we already are We need to be involved Spiritual and practical, not as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hebrews 13 How do you say goodbye?

2 Keep on loving each other V1 presupposes that we already are We need to be involved Spiritual and practical, not as strangers Regular outworking of relationships Remembering the past Rejoicing in the present Supportive for the future

3 Just who wrote Hebrews? Barnabas was an early favourite. Acts13, 1-4. He was commissioned with Paul and sent out Paul. He seemed to write most of the new testament! Apollus suggested by Martin Luther and currently in favour.Acts 18,24- 27.1Cor1,12 1Cor3,4-6,21.

4 generosity Should as quickly follow love in our lives as it does in this chapter Outsiders, prisoners, those who suffer We need our perspectives to be wider than our own circumstances. We need to be informed rather than insular in our own busy-ness.

5 New can be exciting! But strange doesn’t mean truth Phil. 4,11 I have learned…. 1 Tim6,3-10. Godliness with contentment The peace of God, with us and in us 1 Tim4,1-3…..some will abandon the faith A collective and a personal goodbye.

6 Not accepting everything Only by teaching from the word of God can we develop our generous yet well founded personalities. Marriage and the sexually immoral Love of money equating to a lack of trust. Leaders, their teaching and their lives Religious observance…ceremonial foods

7 A time of change V9 all kinds of strange teachings Grace rather than works. A different alter. The high priestly role of Jesus.7,18. 9,24. V11,as in Jewish tradition, so Jesus suffered ‘outside the city gate’. V13, a call to evangelism V15, a call to a ‘sacrifice of praise’

8 Leadership V17, ‘obey and submit to their authority’ They keep watch over you AS MEN WHO MUST GIVE AN ACCOUNT. Yet prayer is asked for. NT leadership is not overbearing but has to be outworked in a spirit of love and generosity, v17b 1 Tim5,17-21. Instructions about leaders.

9 …and finally May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen

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