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M2 (continued).  Talk about the decline of primary and secondary industries  Talk about the growth in some parts of the secondary industry  Talk about.

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Presentation on theme: "M2 (continued).  Talk about the decline of primary and secondary industries  Talk about the growth in some parts of the secondary industry  Talk about."— Presentation transcript:

1 M2 (continued)

2  Talk about the decline of primary and secondary industries  Talk about the growth in some parts of the secondary industry  Talk about the growth and then decline in the tertiary sector (see notes on recession)

3  Between 2005 and 2010, employment in manufacturing increased slightly, as did output.  Areas that flourished included food and drink, drugs and pharmaceuticals, weapons and ammunitions, energy (electricity, gas and water), electrical and optical equipment, paper and publishing.

4  Areas that declined include:  Heavy Engineering, textiles, leather and clothing, fur products, knitwear, wood products, iron and steel, machinery and equipment.  This sector has been hard hit by the 2008/10 recession. Jobs around metal, engineering and construction were hard hit.  Over 140,000 jobs were lost in the motor industry alone.

5  Until 2008 the service sector showed continual growth in all areas; then in 2008/2010 employment fell.  This was caused by job cuts in the financial services industry following the banking crises.  The building services were affected greatly, travel and leisure firms lost business, hotels and restaurants also lost business. Some retailers were badly affected but others such as Aldi, Lidl and Poundland did well as people searched for bargains.

6  Complete M2 notes by writing about changes that have happened in Bradford to the Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Sectors to be in Monday11 th October

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