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Please make sure you have read up to chapter 13 of The Lovely Bones by next week.

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Presentation on theme: "Please make sure you have read up to chapter 13 of The Lovely Bones by next week."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please make sure you have read up to chapter 13 of The Lovely Bones by next week

2 ***Read Q and As in handbooks and answer question on page 6

3 Objective: to analyse different types of conversation Key terms: turn taking/phatic conversation

4 Brainstorm Brainstorm possible features of a typical conversation between two neighbours who don’t know each other particularly well. You might wish to consider: -What types of topics might be discussed -How might the conversation differ from that of two close friends

5 Phatic Communication Phatic communication is small talk. It’s only purpose is to reinforce social bonds. It is neither particularly informative nor deep. Can you think of any examples of phatic communication?

6 Language and Power Now imagine you are the CEO of a large organisation. You’re an Alan Sugar type of character and you want people to know that you’re in charge. How might you communicate your authority through verbal and non-verbal communication?

7 Read pages 9-13 of The Lovely Bones.

8 In pairs, read aloud the dialogue on page 6 of your handbooks and make notes on the following questions -Who holds the power in this conversation? How do you know? -Is this the usual type of conversation you would expect to find between two neighbours of different ages? -What makes this speech realistic?

9 Ideas Context of 1970s Address terms ‘Mr Harvey’ versus ‘’ shows H holds more power socially. H’s use of imperative statements S’s lack of power shown through her monosyllabic responses and short, simple sentences. H steers the conversation and ‘holds the floor’ H goes beyond normal phatic conversation when enquiring about S’s romantic life. S shows non-verbal compliance with H’s requests

10 How does Sebold show Susie’s innocence in this passage?

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