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Stewarton Academy Welcome S5 Information Evening.

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Presentation on theme: "Stewarton Academy Welcome S5 Information Evening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stewarton Academy Welcome S5 Information Evening

2 Agenda Tea & Coffee Welcome & Introduction - Mrs Leslie, Head Teacher S4 Results- Mrs Denovan, DHT Mentoring Programme - Mr Rose, DHT A Pupils’ perspective - L Meney, Head Girl & H Forsythe, Head Boy Monitoring & Tracking - Mr Rose, DHT Pupil Support- Mrs Barbour, PTPS Career Advice- Lorna Bannatyne, SDS Question & Answers

3 The Challenges Ahead Build S4 success Step up to Highers –Increase in difficulty and work rate –Increase in homework demands –Improve time management skills –Increase in commitment/ dedication –Increase in study time –Increase in pressure to achieve 3 to 5 Highers

4 Who can help? Class Teacher Head of Department/Faculty Pupil Support Teacher Year Head Careers Officer Transitional Support Worker Key Worker School Nurse Support from home

5 What else do we do? The Mentoring Programme Monitoring & Tracking

6 The Mentoring Programme Rationale: “Mentoring of individuals and groups has proved successful in inspiring and motivating young people. A mentor can be many things – a positive role model, an advisor and an experienced friend. Simply having someone who takes a special interest can make an enormous difference.” (Excellence in Schools).

7 The Mentoring Programme Purpose: To support S5 students studying 3-5 Highers in achieving their full potential.

8 The Mentoring Programme Groups 73 Students studying 3 or more highers 9 groups of approximately 8 students Similar subject groupings where possible – Sciences, Maths, English, Social Subjects, Languages etc. Matched to Mentors subject expertise where possible. Mentors that teach or have taught the students.

9 The Mentoring Programme Mentors

10 The Mentoring Programme The Role of the Mentor  To act as a personal learning advisor to each member of the group.

11 The Mentoring Programme The Role of the Mentor To hold regular meetings, approximately each fortnight, with the group/individuals. These meetings take place at lunchtime so as not to interfere with teaching & learning

12 The Mentoring Programme The Role of the Mentor To get to know, encourage, motivate and value each student in the group, enabling sound advice and guidance to be given in order to facilitate full potential being achieved.

13 The Mentoring Programme To listen to students, share experiences and help resolve difficulties that they may be experiencing.

14 The Mentoring Programme To act as a link to other staff such as subject teachers, PTPS, DHT and HT as appropriate.

15 The Mentoring Programme No.Week BegFocus of Discussion 120 Sept 2011Getting to know the group. 23 Oct 2011S4 Results analysis. S5 Courses – demands / difficulties 324 Oct 2011September target grades discussed - possible link to career intentions (realistic?). H/W – research possible university courses as appropriate. 47 Nov 2011Time management skills: coping with homework, NABs and managing the school/life balance. Study planner. 521 Nov 2011Involvement of S6 pupils / members of staff to address group concerns/ anxieties as appropriate. 65 Dec 2011November target grades discussed. 79 Jan 2012Study skills / Prelim preparation 823 Jan 2012Health Issues 920 Feb 2012Prelim evaluation / areas for improvement identified. 106 Mar 2012Coping with stress 1120 Mar 2012Discussion on final target grades / revisit study planner 1224 Apr 2012Relaxation advice. Final encouragement / hints. Pupil Evaluation.

16 The Mentoring Programme Other points to note: At each meeting students have an opportunity to raise / discuss any difficulties The programme is meant as a guide, content will be driven by the needs of the group. Meetings take place at a mutually agreed lunchtime.

17 The Mentoring Programme Home – school links: This Information Evening Liaison over programme content Contact via Year Head (attendance)

18 What else can you do? The Mentoring Programme Monitoring & Tracking

19 A Pupils’ Perspective Laura Meney, Head Girl Hamish Forsythe, Head Boy

20 Monitoring & Tracking August / September 2011 Detailed Analysis of S4 Performance Calculation of “Grade Point Averages (GPA)” and “Unified Points Score (UPS)” Check courses are suitable Information passed to Faculties Faculties set Target Grades

21 Monitoring & Tracking September/ October 2011 Letters – Homework, Unit Fails etc. (these continue throughout the session as required) Support/ advice – ongoing as identified Be aware of SQA rules re Assessments.

22 Monitoring & Tracking November/ December 2011 Interim Report Issued – 9th November Parents’ Evening – 16th November Interim Report analysis (certificates) Advice / support discussed as appropriate Target Grades updated

23 Monitoring & Tracking February/ March 2012 Prelim Exams – start 30th January Final Target Grade updated Full Report issued – 9th March Full report analysis Advice / support discussed as appropriate

24 Monitoring & Tracking May 2012 SQA Examinations August 2012 Comparison of Target grades/ Estimates against candidate performance.

25 What else can you do? The Mentoring Programme Monitoring & Tracking

26 Final Pointers Look after health – mental & physical Good routines are still important Part time jobs? Consider next steps – motivation. Encourage attendance at Mentor Groups Contact us

27 Lastly Presentation on Glow Pupils know this information already or will learn of it but we want you to be involved....

28 Thank You

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