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Support for Research, Development & Innovation. Innovation in Scotland Scottish Government Economic Strategy Public Sector - Working Together SE’s Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "Support for Research, Development & Innovation. Innovation in Scotland Scottish Government Economic Strategy Public Sector - Working Together SE’s Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support for Research, Development & Innovation

2 Innovation in Scotland Scottish Government Economic Strategy Public Sector - Working Together SE’s Innovation & Commercialisation Approach Support Mechanisms

3 Innovation Landscape

4 Scottish Enterprise: Key Pillars of the Innovation Policy Commercialisation Clear line of Sight to the Market Maximising the impact of Investments Consistent SE approach “Clear line of sight of market” Business Innovation Broaden innovation beyond Science and technology New Visible Innovation Service Increasing the pool of “Innovative active” “The successful exploitation of ideas for business growth” Innovation System To improve the business environment for Innovation in our key industries Clear articulation of the innovation system gaps in our key industries. Innovation is industry specific “building a sustainable innovation system in our key industries” Company Building Increase the scale and magnitude Joining up our resources Build on successful high growth model Developing new approaches for our existing large investments “Key mechanism to deliver line of sight, Scale and £££”


6 Is it a measure of innovation? Funding R&D – why does it matter?

7 Prototype Development + Experimental Development Time to Market (scales according to sector) Industrial Research Experimental Development Produce / Scale Up Academic research Basic Research Pure & Orientated Applied Research Strategic & Specific Pre- Production Production Pipeline for R&D Support

8 Prototype Development + Experimental Development Time to Market (scales according to sector) Industrial Research Experimental Development Produce / Scale Up Academic research Basic Research Pure & Orientated Applied Research Strategic & Specific Pre- Production Production In the academic research area (i.e. basic or strategic applied) Then it is the funding councils and SHEFC Funding Councils SHEFC Pipeline for R&D Support

9 Prototype Development + Experimental Development Time to Market (scales according to sector) Industrial Research Experimental Development Produce / Scale Up Academic research Basic Research Pure & Orientated Applied Research Strategic & Specific Pre- Production Production Purpose: A grant to bridge between Academic Research and Developing commercialisable IP Target Audience: Academics (HEI, RI, NHS) Funding: £70k - £500K – directly attributable costs Output: Spin-out – licence to Scottish company Funding Councils SHEFC POC Pipeline for R&D Support

10 Prototype Development + Experimental Development Time to Market (scales according to sector) Industrial Research Experimental Development Produce / Scale Up Academic research Basic Research Pure & Orientated Applied Research Strategic & Specific Pre- Production Production Purpose: A package of support including salary, training, mentoring and networking. Designed to enable researchers to build science and technology based businesses. Target Audience:Academic & Industrial Researchers Funding:in the range of £62-£75k Output:New technology based company Funding Councils SHEFC POC Ent Fellow Pipeline for R&D Support

11 Prototype Development + Experimental Development Time to Market (scales according to sector) Industrial Research Experimental Development Produce / Scale Up Academic research Basic Research Pure & Orientated Applied Research Strategic & Specific Pre- Production Production Funding Councils SHEFC POC Ent Fellow SMART: Scotland Purpose: A grant to support feasibility or development for technological development which is new to the UK or sector Target Audience:Business Funding:Feasibility <£70k (75%) Development <£600K (35%) Output: Exploitation Plan Pipeline for R&D Support SMART Scotland

12 Prototype Development + Experimental Development Time to Market (scales according to sector) Industrial Research Experimental Development Produce / Scale Up Academic research Basic Research Pure & Orientated Applied Research Strategic & Specific Pre- Production Production Funding Councils SHEFC POC Ent Fellow R&D Grant Details to follow R&D Grant SMART Scotland Pipeline for R&D Support

13 Pipeline of Support Prototype Development + Experimental Development Time to Market (scales according to sector) Industrial Research Experimental Development Produce / Scale Up Academic research Basic Research Pure & Orientated Applied Research Strategic & Specific Pre- Production Production Funding Councils SHEFC POC Ent Fellow Purpose: Venture Capital Investment Equity investment & co-funding opportunities Co Invest SMART Scotland R&D Grant

14 Pipeline of Support (All) Prototype Development + Experimental Development Time to Market (scales according to sector) Industrial Research Experimental Development Produce / Scale Up Academic research Basic Research Pure & Orientated Applied Research Strategic & Specific Pre- Production Production Funding Councils SHEFC POC Ent Fellow SMART R&D Grant Co Invest RSA Purpose: Investment Grant

15 Research & Development Grant

16 Key Points Companies of all sizes No upper or lower cap –Up to 35% of eligible costs for SMEs for grants under £40k; –Up to 25% of eligible costs for grants to SMEs over £40k*; –Up to 25% of eligible costs for all grants to large companies* * Grants over £40k have a job retention requirement New products, processes or services –Industrial Research –Experimental Development

17 Eligibility Criteria Demonstrate strategic importance of the project to the company; Demonstrate that the R&D represents a significant innovation for the company; Demonstrate that the project will deliver commercial benefits to Scotland’s economy; For non-SMEs, demonstrate that the product, process or service will be able to compete in a global marketplace; Demonstrate how the grant will ensure long-term capacity building (for grants over £40k) or capability building (more generally for SMEs); For grants over £40k to SMEs and for all grants to large companies, show that the project will create and/or safeguard R&D jobs; Demonstrate the incentive effect of the grant.

18 Sectoral 61 large R&D awards in 4 years Over £65m grant contributions awarded Grants have helped to lever £472m of business expenditure on R&D

19 Contact Scottish Enterprise Speak to your Relationship Manager if you have one Otherwise contact SE’s helpline: / 0845 607 Further information on R&D Grants Contacts for Further Information

20 Innovation Support

21 Background Discretionary Support for Companies of all sizes Support for: Small Feasibility Projects Market research Iterative developments (non R&D) Market launch Innovation culture and behaviour within a company Primarily Relationship managed companies but possibly some referrals generated via R&D Grant applications Up to £30k per project – de minimis aid

22 Winning through Innovation

23 Objectives Addresses barriers to innovation. Addresses lack of awareness, knowledge, understanding and skills in innovation. Introduces the wider innovation support system and provides leads for SE for further innovation engagement. Encourages wider innovation not just R&D but new services, business models, new approaches to business - sales, marketing. Encourages wider participation in innovation activity. Encourages the conversion of ideas into potential products, services and process improvements - more companies innovating and companies innovating more - therefore increasing the level of R&D activity.

24 Key Points Large Scale Headline Event - Motivate and inspire - call to further action New Product Development Workshop – raise levels of Knowledge and understanding 4 sessions for ½ day at 2 week intervals / 12 – 15 delegates / Free to clients Advanced Company Innovation programme – Increase Skills - learn by doing. 15 delegates / 5 x 1 day sessions (2 week intervals) / 2 days consultancy support built in / £300 per delegate. The innovation toolkit Topic Specific workshops and events

25 Contacts for Assistance Paul Copland, Innovation & ICT, SE – 0141 228 2976

26 Are there gaps in provision? What else might help you? Questions Your thoughts …

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