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We welcome our preacher from to lead our service this morning Hucclecote Methodist Church.

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Presentation on theme: "We welcome our preacher from to lead our service this morning Hucclecote Methodist Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 We welcome our preacher from to lead our service this morning Hucclecote Methodist Church

2 Song words in Arial or Arial bold The text box is this size to ensure text doesn’t disappear off the side of the screen Use [Return] to justify text to the edge Do not go smaller than 32pt Author and date(s) CCL 1768851/1

3 Dave Bilborough (b. 1965) CCL 176885 1/1 Abba Father, let me be yours and yours alone. May my will forever be ever more your own. Never let my heart grow cold, never let me go, Abba Father, let me be yours and yours alone.

4 1/4 Psalm I will tell of your name to my people; in the midst of the congregation will I praise you. Praise the Lord, you that fear him; O seed of Jacob, glorify him; stand in awe of him, O seed of Israel. For he has not despised nor abhorred the suffering of the poor;

5 One:Great God, Here we are a community of your people, from many places and situations All:Young and older, some happy, others sad Some looking forward in anticipation, 1/2

6 Prayers Leader: Many are called to your service All: Grant them your strength

7 Prayers

8 Let us Pray

9 Intercessions




13 Example of a picture inserted on a slide

14 Bible passage reference


16 Offering

17 Notices


19 Offertory





24 Scripture ReadingBookVerses


26 Prayers for the World

27 Prayers of Intercession

28 Notices

29 Welcome to Junior Church as they join us for the rest of the service

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