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Frankfurt / M. (Germany)

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2 Frankfurt / M. (Germany)
Sensor Training: Exhibition / Fair „Light & Buildung 2010“ Frankfurt / M. (Germany) Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

3 New sensors: Infrared-Sensors: High-Frequency-Sensors: IS 3360 ECO
IS 345 MX Highbay (Passiv-Sensor) (Heat detection sensor) High-Frequency-Sensors: HF LUM I HF LUM II (Active-sensor) (Transmit and receive radiation) Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

4 Infrared sensor IS 3360 ECO („ECO“ for economic) Präsentationsdatum
Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

5 Pictures of both sensors:
The sensors IS 3360 and IS 3360 ECO have both the same design! You can´t see a difference from the outside! IS 3360 NEW IS 3360 ECO Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

6 Coverage pattern diagrams:
IS 3360 IS 3360 ECO Lense Movable! Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

7 Technical Information „IS 3360“ und „IS 3360 ECO“:
Cost-situation (old/new): „ECO“ is a little bit less expensive (appr. 10 %) Info: ECO without potential-free contact ! Colour: only white! Switching capacity: W / 10 ax Availability: in the Steinel stock! Amount/year: both the same Download owner manuals: end: IS 3360 ECO Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

8 New sensor: IS 345 MX Highbay
(„MX“ for maximum, „Highbay“ for high warehouses…) Feature: - New and special lense (and a special design) - For precisian movement detection If very highly mounted. Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

9 Difference between IS 345 and IS 345 MX Highbay : The lense:
Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

10 Coverage pattern diagrams:
IS 345 MX Highbay IS 345 Tangential and radial detection! Very good radial detection, tangential with some gaps… Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

11 Technical information „IS 345“ und „IS 345 MX Highbay“:
IS 345 MX Highbay: - Lense not movable! Advantage: - Special „High“-bay detection up to 12m with a radial detection of 15x4m both sides! Disadvantage: - Some gaps or holes in the tangential detection (because of the hight of max 12m!) IS 345 - Lense movable to adjust the coverage area! - For universal application up to 3m with a radial detection of 6x4m both sides! - Tangential detection: 20x4m Both: Using and fitting the shrouds: same as IS 345! Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

12 Further technical information „IS 345“ und „IS 345 MX Highbay“:
Cost-situation: MX appr. 10% higher as IS Setting options with pots: ->Twilight setting > time setting Enclosure: IP 54 Switching capacity: W Temperature range: - 20°C to + 50°C or °F to + 122°F Availability: in June 2010 end: IS 345 MX Highbay Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

13 Two new sensors: High frequency sensor HF LUM 1 HF LUM 2
(„LUM“ for lumen/lumina) Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

14 New HF-Sensor for OEM´s: HF LUM I
(high-frequency sensor with patch-antenna) HF LUM II (high-frequency sensor with aerial-antenna) HF-Technologie: - Permanent transmission of electro-magnetic signal with minimal output (1/1000 of a cell phone) - Reflection of moving object - Difficult distance determination Invisibly mounted into fixtures Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

15 New sensor: HF-LUM 1 HF-LUM 1: (with patch-antenna) Advantages:
- Small measurements Plug-in cabel connection (quickly mountable) - Especially for wall mounting - Individual design - Parts are available and in the Steinel stock! Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

16 New sensor: HF LUM 2 HF-LUM 2: (with stick-antenna) Advantages:
Small measurements Plug-in cabel connection (quickly mountable) - Especially for ceiling mounting - Individual design - Parts are available and in the Steinel stock! Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

17 Coverage pattern diagram HF LUM I HF LUM II
Ideal for detecting movement in front! (wall mounting) Ideal for detecting movement at the side! (ceiling mounting) Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

18 Technical Information HF-LUM I and HF-LUM II:
Cost-situation: Scaled pricing Info: Without potential-free contact ! Enclosure: IP 20 Colour: Only white! Switching capacity: W no more than 2 electronic ballasts (54W each) Availability: Directly availability! Contact at Steinel: Mr Donald Schmilewski (OEM sales manager) Download owner manuals: Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

19 Samples for installation HF-LUM 1 and 2:
In the fixtures at the end! Unvisible mounted! Not between the bulbs/tubes! Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

20 Available flyer for HF-LUM I and HF-LUM II
end: LUM 1+2 Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

21 Thank you very much for your attention!
Martin Kröger (Project-Manager) Titel der Präsentation Präsentationsdatum

22 Titel der Präsentation

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