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EU 3 rd Package Clarification of points raised at Transmission Workstream 3/12/2009.

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1 EU 3 rd Package Clarification of points raised at Transmission Workstream 3/12/2009

2 EU 3 rd Package Implementation Date  EU 3 rd Package  The “3 rd Package” of EU energy legislation approved on 3 rd September 2009  Includes new transparency obligations (18 Month implementation lead time)  Regulation (EC) 715/2009 replaces (EC) 1775/2005 on 3 rd March 2011  NG NTS European Transparency Project scope based upon;  Generic data publishing obligations within (EC) 715/2009  Indicative, more specific, amendments to the Annex of 1775/2005 (currently being amended via comitology process)  Timescale for Annex amendments is currently unclear;  Scale of system & telemetry change for EU TSOs is large  Implementation therefore likely to coincide with (EC) 715/2009

3 Interpretation of ‘Pressure in a Balancing Zone’ data item  “Pressure in a balancing zone”  NG NTS perception (shared with other EU TSOs) is that this data is not meaningful:  To enable gas to flow differing pressures exist throughout network  Entry & Exit pressure requirements will continue to be published  NG NTS recommendation to Ofgem & DECC is that pressure clause should be re-worded to provide more meaningful market information such as opening and projected closing linepack or aggregate imbalance position of all users

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