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SIMS User Forum – Autumn 2010 Welcome. Presenting Ralph Gardner SIMS Support Manager Tracey McGuire SIMS Support Officer Nick Finnemore Capita Senior.

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Presentation on theme: "SIMS User Forum – Autumn 2010 Welcome. Presenting Ralph Gardner SIMS Support Manager Tracey McGuire SIMS Support Officer Nick Finnemore Capita Senior."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMS User Forum – Autumn 2010 Welcome

2 Presenting Ralph Gardner SIMS Support Manager Tracey McGuire SIMS Support Officer Nick Finnemore Capita Senior Product Manager

3 Housekeeping

4 Agenda 1. Latest SIMS News – Nick Finnemore & Ralph Gardner 2. SIMS InTouch – Nick Finnemore Refreshment and Comfort Break 3. SIMS Discover – Nick Finnemore 4. SIMS Hints and Tips – Tracey McGuire

5 Core Areas to be Covered Autumn 2010 Developments: –Early Years Provisions –Behaviour Reviews –Bullying Sub-Types Spring 2011 Polishing: –Home Page Quick Search –Other Spring 2011 Changes –DfE Reviews

6 Autumn 2010 – Early Years Provisions The lookup values for the Nursery Care Provision Types can be found in the Attendance data area of Maintain Lookups. Default values are given, but own values can be specified. Each provision type should be assigned to a session category of AM, PM or All Day.

7 Autumn 2010 – Early Years Provisions Tools | Setups | Attendance Setup | Early Years Provisions Setup For each provision type, a start date must be defined to indicate when it is applicable. An end date is optional. The duration of the provision must be defined by selecting a start and end time (in increments of 30 minutes).

8 Autumn 2010 – Early Years Provisions Pupil Details: record each child’s expected nursery attendance by selecting one of the provision types for each day of the week.

9 Autumn 2010 – Early Years Provisions Attendance patterns can also be recorded in advance for applicants to the nursery.

10 Autumn 2010 – Early Years Provisions There is the option to automatically populate the Hours at Setting figures as part of the Census return. Based on the provision types selected in the child’s attendance pattern, SIMS will calculate the number of hours for the week (to the nearest 30 minutes). Can manually overwrite figures, if required.

11 Autumn 2010 – Early Years Provisions Reporting on the provisions for both a pupil and a applicant can be done via Reporting. Early Years Provisions fields are listed under Registration.

12 Autumn 2010 – Behaviour New fields for recording the member of staff recording behaviour incident details and the member of staff actioning sanctions. Adding a Behaviour

13 Autumn 2010 – Behaviour New option to follow up a behaviour incident, either for multiple students or an individual. One or more students can be selected for following up the incident. Log kept of the follow up process. Behaviour Follow-up

14 Autumn 2010 – Behaviour Ability to set up a Review Meeting for an individual student to follow up a behaviour incident. Includes ability to record comments on actions agreed by parents, students and senior staff. Add a Behaviour Review

15 Autumn 2010 – Behaviour Review details are recorded and summarised A summary of all reviews is added to the individual student’s conduct details. Review Summary

16 Autumn 2010 – Behaviour Set Bullying Types When adding a behaviour incident, specific types of bullying may be recorded against the generic behaviour ‘bullying’.

17 Autumn 2010 – Behaviour Add Type of Bullying Under Tools | Setups | Behaviour Type, a behaviour type can be designated as a ‘Bullying Type’. Once a bullying type has been set, adding a behaviour incident of bullying activates the Type of Bullying lookup list.

18 Autumn 2010 – Behaviour Set Bullying Types The Bullying Type check box activates the Bullying Type lookup. Located under Student Lookups, Data Area: Type of Bullying

19 Set points to zero for victims and witnesses of a bullying incident Include date search option when searching for incidents Updated Behaviour Management reporting dictionary for enhanced reporting –Behaviour and Achievements can be included in the same report –Date reporting is enhanced to enable more flexible reporting, e.g. for achievements, the highest achiever of the week Existing Pre-defined reports re-written using new dictionaries Autumn 2010 – Behaviour Other Changes

20 Spring 2011 Polishing


22 Home Page Detentions panel Pupil Teacher View to show Date of Birth Inactive lookups do not populate Behaviour Incidents when incident added via Take Register. Electronic and printed Report Cards to display ticks when a student has achieved the targets set.

23 DfE Reviews Early Years Foundation Stage –Now under review by Dame Clare Tickell –Report to be published Spring 2011 –First implementation September 2012 SEF –Current SEF removed from Sept 2011 –New school inspection framework 2011 SEN –OfSTED report 14/9/2010 –Green paper to be published Autumn 2010 –CRB Checks (Recently announced) –Full Review of CRB Scheme expected early 2011

24 Autumn 2010 - Resources Update Summer 2010 Autumn 2010

25 Summer 2010 Autumn 2010 Autumn 2010 - Resources Update

26 Assessing Pupil Progress - Pupil Progress Grids New screens provided for assessing individual progress at objective/curriculum level. Provided as templates and grids to allow flexible use for a range of different assessments, such as APP, SEN, EAL,… Templates can be created at LA level and exported to schools. Due for release Spring 2011 Designed to cut down on paper and allow electronic transfer of results.

27 Assessing Pupil Progress Aims: APP Templates follow available subject guidelines at KS1 – 3 (England) APP Templates linked to TP aspects Templates can be linked to local aspects Can define local templates for other purposes Comments and Notes can be added Easy navigation between pupils and subjects

28 The APP templates follow the paper versions provided on the National Strategies website. The user can highlight achievements of each bullet point, add notes, e.g. observations as evidence of the achievement, comments and overall assessment. The overall assessment level, e.g. ‘Low 3’ feeds back into the Tracking Progress marksheets, allowing schools to track as well as assess pupil progress.

29 New menu routes: Progress Grid Entry and Progress Grid Template

30 Open the required template and select the group (e.g. class, year or user defined group).

31 For primary schools, each subject will be shown as a tab. For secondary schools, separate templates will be provided for each subject. Use the Next and Previous buttons to move from pupil to pupil. The colour can be applied simply as Y (green) to indicate achievement, or different colours can be used to indicate stages of achievement. Comments can also be recorded for each bullet point. The overall assessment is recorded against the strand as a whole – this transfers automatically to Tracking Progress marksheets. Comments can be recorded for the overall subject. One grid shows all levels, to give the complete progression in each Assessment Focus.

32 APP marksheets give an overview of the group’s progress at each level. Assessments (and comments) entered in the APP marksheets will transfer to the APP grids and vice versa.)

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