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School Census Spring 2011 Application Version 1.0 1.

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Presentation on theme: "School Census Spring 2011 Application Version 1.0 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Census Spring 2011 Application Version 1.0 1

2 School Census Spring 2011 Open the Application 2

3 3

4 4

5 Click to open the School Census application 5

6 6

7 School Census Spring 2011 Select Folder 7

8 Click to select a folder to hold the Census Return and Report files. 8

9 9

10 It is very important to select a folder that is available to all users who will be involved with the Return, … but that folder must be secure as it will hold children’s details. 10

11 IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the sensitive nature of some of the data stored in, careful consideration should be given when specifying the location of any folder into which you save sensitive data, e.g. census returns, imported and exported CTFs, etc. You should be mindful of your school's responsibilities with respect to information security. Consider which users have access to the chosen folder, especially if the folder is shared on a Server. The DfE recommends ISO27001 as the standard for information security, a copy of which can be found at If you are in any doubt, you should consult with your IT Security Officer before proceeding. 11

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13 This is the default message, but this can be added to or edited 13

14 14

15 This indicates that changes to the security message have been saved 15

16 If any Returns have been worked on previously, this is where they would be re-opened 16

17 School Census Spring 2011 Add a Return 17

18 Click to add a New School Census Spring Return 18

19 The Census Date is the reference date for all snapshot information and you would need permission from your LA/DfE to change it. 19

20 Each school will have been given a specific time of the day to run the return and the school should work out which period in their timetable cycle occurs at the time and enter this as the selected period Please remember that this is the period number from the start of the timetable cycle. So if we are in the second week of a 10 day 5 period timetable, Thursday period 2 will be period 42 20 In this case a 5 day 5 period timetable is in use, so Thursday period 2 will be period 17

21 An alternative period will be allowed if the specified time indicates a very untypical period, e.g. the whole school does sport. 21

22 This is a dry run so you can change the description to indicate this 3.22

23 It’s a good idea to save the file with this revised description. 23

24 The date span for the collection of attendance information is shown, but only the From date can be edited. The only reason to change the From date is where the school term starts before the 1 st September 24

25 The date span for the collection of exclusion information is shown, but cannot be edited 25

26 Click on School Information 26

27 27 Removed from the Spring Census Extended Service These have been removed from the School Information panel as they are no long included in School Census

28 Click if any of the school details need to be edited 28

29 Don’t forget to save any changes you make. 29

30 Click OK to close the Window 30

31 Calculate All Details will add the necessary information to the subsequent panel. You should only have to calculate all details once as panels can then be calculated on an individual basis. The calculation of the Attendance panel is a little more complicated as it checks to see if codes are legal, if there are missing marks and if manual entry is required. 31

32 There is a lot of Attendance information to interrogate so only proceed if you have sufficient time.

33 The Hours at Setting panel is read only, but a button is provided to jump to the editing screens. 33

34 I am happy with the Hours at Setting for 3 and 4 year olds, but I have forgotten to update the Hours at Setting for the 2 year old. Click to jump to the editing screen 34


36 This operates in exactly the same why as when called from the menu. 36



39 Don’t forget to save any changes. 39

40 Click OK to close the Window 40

41 In the real world a Secondary School is very unlikely to see this Hours at Setting panel as it only appears when the school has pupils aged 2, 3 or 4 on the 31/08/2010. 41

42 Click to move to the Classes panel 42

43 Class information has been calculated, but further details can be added manually as necessary. 43

44 It doesn’t matter for a dry run, but the DfE is unlikely to accept an Activity of “Other” 44 If the period/time for collection means unusually large classes the DfE will want the period/time adjusted to when “normal” classes take place

45 If changes are made to classes in SIMS, clicking Recalculate will bring these through to the panel, but any manual edits that have been made will be lost. 45

46 46 Removed from the Spring Census Staff Panels The Staff panels have been removed as staff information is no long included in School Census – apart from a count of class teachers

47 Click on Student Reconciliation 47

48 1030 pupils are on roll but only 1026 are in classes. So there is either an error in the number of pupils in classes shown in the Classes panel or those pupils are in the five groups currently set to 0. 48

49 Any changes made should be saved immediately to make sure the reconciliation display takes them into account. 49

50 Click on Attendance 50

51 Although the Attendance codes have been found to be compliant with the DfE regulations, there are some missing marks that must be dealt with before the Return is Authorised. 51

52 Click on General 52

53 53 Removed from the Spring Census ICT The ICT panel has been removed as ICT information is no long included in School Census

54 The remaining items are not held within SIMS so they should be entered manually as necessary. 54

55 Don’t forget to save changes. 55

56 School Census Spring 2011 Create & Validate 56

57 Click to create the XML Return file and to run DfE validation across the file. The legality of attendance codes and missing marks will be checked again at this point 57

58 This indicates that creation and validation of the Return file is taking place. 58


60 The creation of the Return file takes place first … 60

61 Once the Return file is created it is validated via the DfE XSL file. 61

62 The release includes Fileset 60, but a later Fileset is likely to be make available after release with updated DfE validation and reports 62

63 Click to copy the report to your browser 63

64 It may look as though nothing has happened, but in fact the output has been sent to the Internet browser. 64

65 The HTML file is available after the application has closed and the output can be printed via the browser. 65

66 The content can also be copied to other office applications, e.g. a spreadsheet. However, you should be careful where you save such information as it should be kept secure. We suggest you save them in the same folder as the Return file. 66

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68 Click here to get a list of the errors/warnings that have been generated and to select a particular error/warning to use as a filter. 68

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71 You can also copy the filtered report to your browser 71

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73 73 As well as filtering by error/query number you can now filter by all errors and by all queries

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75 If you use the screen functionality you can drag the divider upwards to show more of the problems. 75

76 If it is getting in the way you can drag it to the bottom of the screen 76

77 You can also close the validation summary 77

78 If you jump to a place to deal with an issue, don’t forget to save the change. If you make a change in SIMS that is part of a calculation, don’t forget to recalculate the panel and save those changes. If you make a change in a panel don’t forget to save the change. If you want changes reflected in the Return don’t forget to Create & Validate. 78

79 School Census Spring 2011 Summary Report 79

80 The DfE Summary Report can be run as soon as Create & Validate has taken place. There is no need to correct all problems before running this report as the report may help in identifying the problem. 80

81 This is a Secondary School so there are 26 sections in the report (A - Z). 81

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99 School Census Spring 2011 Detail Report 99

100 Detail Reports indicate the content of the XML Return file. Click for a choice of Detail Reports. 100

101 We can still select individual reports, but we will look at the new “Multiple Reports” functionality. 101

102 102 Removed from the Spring Census In Care The In Care report has been removed as In Care information is now only included for Exclusions

103 103 Removed from the Spring Census Staff Report The Staff report has been removed as nearly all staff information has been removed from the Census – the Classes panel is the exception as it includes the number of staff in classes

104 We can untick all the reports we don’t want output, but in this case we want them all output so we leave them all ticked. Click to create the reports 104

105 105 Removed from the Spring Census Ethnicity The Source of Ethnicity has been removed from the On Roll Basic Data report as it is no long included in School Census

106 106 Added to the Spring Census Disability Disability has been Added to the On Roll Basic Data report as it has been added to the School Census on a voluntary basis

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114 114 This detail report has been left in place to assure schools that we are no longer included contact information for ContactPoint as that organisation no longer exists

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118 118 Removed from the Spring Census ICT ICT has been removed from the General report as the ICT information is no long included in School Census

119 119

120 School Census Spring 2011 Authorise 120

121 Click to authorise the return ready for sending to the DfE. 121

122 This is a dry run so you should click No. 122

123 School Census Spring 2011 Copy 123

124 Click to see a list of all the returns. 124

125 The Copy functionality has been provided, but it will only be helpful if you have entered information in the panels. You will still have to click on Create & Validate to produce the Return file itself. 125

126 Thank you for your time 126

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