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Riding motorbikes and mma Drum and bass / rap / hardcore / dubstep.

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Presentation on theme: "Riding motorbikes and mma Drum and bass / rap / hardcore / dubstep."— Presentation transcript:


2 Riding motorbikes and mma

3 Drum and bass / rap / hardcore / dubstep

4 Are green street / never back down / kidulthood / Fast five / mrs browns boy

5 I would like to be working on muscle cars and motorbikes

6 women and air maxs

7 Feedback This is a good improvement. Your audience will be able to focus on what you are telling them rather than looking at your background. You have chosen a good background – I like it. It shows that you are thinking about keeping your audience interested. You have included a lot of good lists, but these need to be more central and away from your main image. This can be done quite simply. Add some animation to your slides. Currently this would gain you a good 5C. If you put these changes in, it would be a very good 5A. I have put in a slide at the bottom of the presentation to give you an idea of what you could achieve. This is a good improvement. Your audience will be able to focus on what you are telling them rather than looking at your background. You have chosen a good background – I like it. It shows that you are thinking about keeping your audience interested. You have included a lot of good lists, but these need to be more central and away from your main image. This can be done quite simply. Add some animation to your slides. Currently this would gain you a good 5C. If you put these changes in, it would be a very good 5A. I have put in a slide at the bottom of the presentation to give you an idea of what you could achieve.

8 Bike Mechanic Car Mechanic

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