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It’s all about engagement!

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Presentation on theme: "It’s all about engagement!"— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s all about engagement!
Presented by: Ruth Farrimond Support from: Caroline Dodgeon & Denise Skipsey It’s all about engagement!

2 Risk Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out! [James B Conant] Objective  To develop greater understanding of the 4 basic principles of cooperative learning [PIES] using Kagan structures. Outcomes  To define and explain PIES  To analyse Kagan cooperative learning structures using PIES  To generate an idea to use in your the classroom

3 Think-Write-RoundRobin
Which shape best describes you/your personality? Write the reasons on your whiteboard [30 seconds] Each member of the team in turn will explain their answer [30 seconds each]

4 Timed-RoundRobin  Read information – independent learning
 Assign number & letter - ready to explain [can put up to 5 key words on whiteboard as a prompt]  Number 1’s [P] starts – explain/summarise in 1 minute  Number 2 – 1 minute and so on  Once round under timed conditions taking turns

5 Analysis RallyRobin Teacher A / Teacher B / Teacher C - handout
Describe a good team member - think time  In pairs list the characteristics - taking turns Teacher A / Teacher B / Teacher C - handout Discuss Analysis

6 Analysis Teacher A Teacher B Teacher C P – Positive Interdependence
I – Individual Accountability E – Equal Participation S – Simultaneous Interaction

7 Comparison of 2 teaching structures
Think Pair Share Analysis

8 Analysis Mean? Students feel?  Need each other  Can’t hide  Engaged
 What % are talking/writing at any one moment?  Must everyone perform in front of someone  Does task completion depend on everyone?  What created equal participation – Time? Turn?  Does one doing well help others Students feel?  Need each other  Can’t hide  Engaged  Equal status [Time and/or turn]  On the same side

9 Consolidate & The future
Which aspect of pies is most important for you to start working on? Consider which structure/s you are going to start to use in your lessons before the next session. N.B. The ones used today require limited preparation to begin to incorporate them in lessons! E.G’s  Think-write-RoundRobin  Timed RoundRobin  RallyRobin  Timed Pair Share

10 Any Questions?

11 Risk Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out! [James B Conant] Objective  To develop greater understanding of the 4 basic principles of cooperative learning [PIES] using Kagan structures. Outcomes  To define and explain PIES  To analyse Kagan cooperative learning structures using PIES  To generate an idea to use in your the classroom

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