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Fran, Tyler & Rebecca. FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO Genre: Thriller / Psychological / Crime Plot: Mentally unstable character and her imaginary friend are out.

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Presentation on theme: "Fran, Tyler & Rebecca. FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO Genre: Thriller / Psychological / Crime Plot: Mentally unstable character and her imaginary friend are out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fran, Tyler & Rebecca

2 FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO Genre: Thriller / Psychological / Crime Plot: Mentally unstable character and her imaginary friend are out for a stroll in the woods late at night when things take a turn for the worst. Key characters: Main freak of nature The imaginary friend Target audience: Age rated 15, multi gender Conventions of gender to be applied: Low key lighting Shadows Dark colours Droning sounds White framing composition

3 FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO Influences: Mood board created Ways of captivating our audience: The sound used The use of dramatic monologue The controversial plot How are you avoiding the stereotype: Controversy Techniques we are using: A lot of high angles, tracking, point of view, over the shoulder. Maybe a bit of slow motion. Soft focus. The role we are taking on the pre and post production: We are all simply contributing ideas and working as a group to merge them together. Why they should invest their money in the film: The idea of our plot is to create an atmosphere that hasn’t been created before within a theatre. Our controversial storyline is one that will be spoken of for years to come.

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