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How to answer General ‘Support / Oppose Agree / Disagree Questions’

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1 How to answer General ‘Support / Oppose Agree / Disagree Questions’

2 You might get a question like the next one. Be calm and think. Print it out. Do not try it at the moment.

3 Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows. SOURCE 1 Information about selected countries CountryAverage Income [$]Life Expectancy [years] China 1,29072 Japan 37,18082 Russia 3,41065 United Kingdom 33,94079 United States 41,40078 SOURCE 2 Percentage of children enrolled in primary school [2006] The USA enrolls less of its children in primary school than most other major countries. However, people in the USA have both the highest average income and live the longest. View of Kelly Halcomb Using only Source 1 and 2 above, write give one reason to support and one reason to oppose the view of Kelly Halcomb. Enquiry Skills 4 marks USA United Russia Japan China Kingdom %

4 Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows. SOURCE 1 Information about selected countries CountryAverage Income [$]Life Expectancy [years] China 1,29072 Japan 37,18082 Russia 3,41065 United Kingdom 33,94079 United States 41,40078 SOURCE 2 Percentage of children enrolled in primary school [2006] The USA enrolls less of its children in primary school than most other major countries. However, people in the USA have both the highest average income and live the longest. View of Kelly Halcomb Using only Source 1 and 2 above, write give one reason to support and one reason to oppose the view of Kelly Halcomb. Enquiry Skills 4 marks USA United Russia Japan China Kingdom % What do you have to do?

5 2] You must read the view. 1] You must study Sources 1 and 2. What you must do. Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows. SOURCE 1 Information about selected countries CountryAverage Income [$]Life Expectancy [years] China 1,29072 Japan 37,18082 Russia 3,41065 United Kingdom 33,94079 United States 41,40078 SOURCE 2 Percentage of children enrolled in primary school [2006] The USA enrolls less of its children in primary school than most other major countries. However, people in the USA have both the highest average income and live the longest. View of Kelly Halcomb Using only Source 1 and 2 above, write give one reason to support and one reason to oppose the view of Kelly Halcomb. Enquiry Skills 4 marks USA United Russia Japan China Kingdom % 3] You must give one reason to support the view. How do you support a view?

6 Support / Agree with a view. When you are asked to ‘support or agree with a view’ you are being asked to do the same thing. You are being asked to find and give written information, figures or statistics that explain how part of someone’s view is CORRECT.

7 2] You must read the view. 1] You must study Sources 1 and 2. What you must do. Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows. SOURCE 1 Information about selected countries CountryAverage Income [$]Life Expectancy [years] China 1,29072 Japan 37,18082 Russia 3,41065 United Kingdom 33,94079 United States 41,40078 SOURCE 2 Percentage of children enrolled in primary school [2006] The USA enrolls less of its children in primary school than most other major countries. However, people in the USA have both the highest average income and live the longest. View of Kelly Halcomb Using only Source 1 and 2 above, write give one reason to support and one reason to oppose the view of Kelly Halcomb. Enquiry Skills 4 marks USA United Russia Japan China Kingdom % 3] You must give one reason to support the view. 4] You must give one reason to oppose the view. How do you oppose a view?

8 Oppose / Disagree with a view. When you are asked to ‘oppose or disagree with a view’ you are being asked to do the same thing. You are being asked to find and give written information, figures or statistics that explain how part of someone’s view is WRONG.

9 2] You must read the view. 1] You must study Sources 1 and 2. What you must do. Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows. SOURCE 1 Information about selected countries CountryAverage Income [$]Life Expectancy [years] China 1,29072 Japan 37,18082 Russia 3,41065 United Kingdom 33,94079 United States 41,40078 SOURCE 2 Percentage of children enrolled in primary school [2006] The USA enrolls less of its children in primary school than most other major countries. However, people in the USA have both the highest average income and live the longest. View of Kelly Halcomb Using only Source 1 and 2 above, write give one reason to support and one reason to oppose the view of Kelly Halcomb. Enquiry Skills 4 marks USA United Russia Japan China Kingdom % 3] You must give one reason to support the view. 4] You must give one reason to oppose the view.

10 Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows. SOURCE 1 Information about selected countries CountryAverage Income [$]Life Expectancy [years] China 1,29072 Japan 37,18082 Russia 3,41065 United Kingdom 33,94079 United States 41,40078 SOURCE 2 Percentage of children enrolled in primary school [2006] The USA enrolls less of its children in primary school than most other major countries. However, people in the USA have both the highest average income and live the longest. View of Kelly Halcomb Using only Source 1 and 2 above, write give one reason to support and one reason to oppose the view of Kelly Halcomb. Enquiry Skills 4 marks USA United Russia Japan China Kingdom % 3] You must give one reason to support the view. Writing your answer Kelly Halcomb says ‘The USA enrolls less of its children in primary school than most other major countries’. Source 2 shows that the USA enrolls 92% in primary schools which is less than 3 other countries. This is my reason to support the view as Kelly is correct. Correct [Supports] or Wrong [Opposes] ? Correct [Supports]

11 Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows. SOURCE 1 Information about selected countries CountryAverage Income [$]Life Expectancy [years] China 1,29072 Japan 37,18082 Russia 3,41065 United Kingdom 33,94079 United States 41,40078 SOURCE 2 Percentage of children enrolled in primary school [2006] The USA enrolls less of its children in primary school than most other major countries. However, people in the USA have both the highest average income and live the longest. View of Kelly Halcomb Using only Source 1 and 2 above, write give one reason to support and one reason to oppose the view of Kelly Halcomb. Enquiry Skills 4 marks USA United Russia Japan China Kingdom % Writing your answer Kelly Halcomb says ‘People in the USA have both the highest average income and live the longest’. Source 1 shows that the people in the USA have the highest income at $41,400 but Japan had the highest life expectancy at 82 not the USA. This is my reason to oppose the view. 4] You must give one reason to oppose the view. Correct [Supports] or Wrong [Opposes] ? Wrong [Opposes]

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