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Northamptonshire Community Housing Network Housing Training Programme 1 st November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Northamptonshire Community Housing Network Housing Training Programme 1 st November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northamptonshire Community Housing Network Housing Training Programme 1 st November 2011

2 Our Rules for Today 1.Listening to & Respecting each other 2. Only one person to speak at a time 3. Put your hand up to speak 4. Be willing to have a go at all exercises 5. Come to the sessions ready to start by 6.30pm

3 Today we will look at……

4 Home work from last time What we found out

5 The Cost of housing & and help available Help with paying the rent Help with paying the mortgage Help to claim housing benefit SESSION 4 – 1 st Nov 2011

6 Session 4 – will cover…. What Housing Costs The cost of various sorts of housing Getting help to pay for housing Housing benefit & Local Housing Allowance – How to apply Mortgage help Help from families or trusts


8 Paying for your home To live where you want you need to pay money to stay there. You will pay this each week or each month

9 Paying for your home The money you pay will have a different name depending on the legal rules for having your home. Eg. If you rent your home the payment is called RENT

10 Paying for your Home If you buy your home through a bank or building society this payment would be called Mortgage

11 Costs to help you live You could have 2 or 3 main costs to live where you wish (a)Money for your home (b)Money for support and (c)Money for care All of these will affect if you can afford

12 Paying for your home We will look at what it costs for your home and How to get help with this

13 What Housing Costs Different sorts of homes cost different amounts of money Why do you think that is?

14 What Housing Costs Is it because of the SIZE of the home? Or the space just for you

15 What Housing Costs Might it cost more if you have other services included, like Care or Support Costs?

16 What Housing Costs Does it cost more if you rent or buy What do you Think?

17 What Housing Costs Does it cost more if you have a home to yourself or if you share with others?

18 What the many housing options cost

19 Buying a Home Buy your home outright - from £60,000 to a few £million pounds) Buying a home with a mortgage – this varies could be from £300 to £3,000 pm Shared Ownership – you pay rent & mortgage monthly, amounts vary

20 Renting a 1 or 2 bed House or Flat Private from about £85 to £150 pw Social Housing from about £70 to £100 pw Parents & Relatives - will vary

21 Renting a room in a home or shared On your own - from about £55 - £95 pw With friends where you share the full rent of the home - from about £50 to about £120 where support is also provided… pw

22 Housing with Support or Care 1.Living Residential Care Larger care homes Small care homes NHS Homes & Campuses

23 Housing with Support or Care 2. Supported Housing or Living Housing Cost only - about £80 to £180 pw Support /care costs – about £300 - £400pw Total - about £380 & £580 pw

24 Housing with Support or Care 3. Sheltered Housing & Extra Care – Sheltered - about £90 to £120 pw (inc support cost) – Extra care schemes – about

25 Housing with Support or Care 4. Adult Family Placement, like Shared lives services About £65 pw for rent And £360pw for care & support

26 Housing with Support or Care 5. Homeshare Where people swop…. May not cost you much more than usual rent or mortgage costs & could reduce support & care costs

27 Community Living Intentional Communities The local Camphill Costs at Milton Keynes Housing Costs £200 pw Care costs about £400 pw ave

28 The Housing Costs game - N0 1 Look at each picture of a home, how much do you think it costs to live there

29 Housing Costs Game No2 Some questions for you to answer What home would you like to live in? What might it cost? Do you have enough money? If not, how much more do you need?

30 Getting Help with Housing Costs Different Help 1.Renting – Housing Benefit may help 2.Buying – some help with Mortgage 3.Help from your friends or family 4.Getting more income from benefits or getting a paid job

31 Claiming Housing Benefit Money to help you pay your rent Need to apply to local councils You may get help you may not Some people get more help than others

32 Housing Benefit – will I qualify The amount of money you have coming in will affect the amount of housing benefit you get If you have a very small amount of money coming in you may get Housing Benefit

33 How to Apply You have to complete a form and give it to the Council You may need help it can be complicated You will need to give them evidence of how much money you have

34 Who Qualifies Some people may not get much or any Housing Benefit, such as:- (a)People under 35 years old (b)People renting a large house (c)Some people who are working and earn a lot of money (d)People with a lot of savings

35 People with Disabilities Sometimes people with severe disability may get more Housing Benefit If you need a live in carer you may get more

36 Two types of HB System 1.Private Renting – Local Housing Allowance 2.Social Renting – General HB

37 Local Housing Allowance For people renting privately This is a set amount depending on the size of your home Amounts vary across the County Amounts can change monthly

38 HB for Social Renting If you qualify may get actual rent amount If rent thought to be high it may be limited by the Rent Officer If this happens HB paid to limited amount which may be less than your rent

39 HB can be very confusing Arragh! Its best to get help if you can

40 One very important Rule You must let the Council Know if your money changes Goes up or down If someone moves in with you Or if you get a job Or your benefit goes up Or you leave your home

41 Something you might not know If a family owns a home you can rent it to a family member and they can get HB if they qualify, as long as:- (a)It’s a separate home (b)It’s a proper legal arrangement Check it out with your local council before you start

42 Any Questions Any Thoughts Thank you – see you next time

43 To join the Community Housing Network contact Marion Turner on 01933 381467 or look at our website

44 Housing We live in many sort of homes

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