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SAGSET 2006 I hate knowledge Key Note: SAGSET 2006 Jeremy J. S. B. Hall.

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Presentation on theme: "SAGSET 2006 I hate knowledge Key Note: SAGSET 2006 Jeremy J. S. B. Hall."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAGSET 2006 I hate knowledge Key Note: SAGSET 2006 Jeremy J. S. B. Hall

2 SAGSET 2006 Perhaps Odd? Perhaps odd because I have spent most of my working life concerned with providing managerial learning. But learning  knowledge

3 SAGSET 2006 I hate knowledge because … Particularly in school and university a lot of learning is directed towards gaining factual, examinable knowledge. The sort of thing tested in “the weakest link” Surely the purpose of academic assessment is separating those who (deserve) to fail from those who pass or (luckily) get a distinction.

4 SAGSET 2006 I hate knowledge because … On its own it is irrelevant. I cannot remember when I learned to gain knowledge. I, like most grown ups, learn so I can do something better. To be a better simulation designer.

5 SAGSET 2006 I hate knowledge because … It focuses on content The facts, just the facts, ma'am And not on process On the message and not the medium. Yet, surely this conference and learning is about both the medium and the message.

6 SAGSET 2006 Lecture Reading Audio-Visual Demonstration Discussion Group Practice by Doing Teach Others/Immediate Use Processes Retention 5 % 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 80% Games & Simulations

7 SAGSET 2006 The Problem? As I see it, the problem is to get learners and those who sponsor learning to understand that for learning to be effective we must consider both content and process And have a clear idea of purpose.

8 SAGSET 2006 The Need And for games and simulations considering the medium (process) is even more important. Because when we advance the use of games and simulations in education and training we are focussing on the medium and the process.

9 SAGSET 2006 A solution? I believe that the first step is to get people to understand the purpose and breadth of learning. For adults purpose is defined by Knowles’ Andragogy The breadth of learning can be defined by Bloom’s Taxonomy. But on their own neither is enough – these is a need to combine the two.

10 SAGSET 2006 My solution: the learning ladder! knowledge success decisions experience wisdom - provides a foundation - purpose (& winner) - involves doing things - immediate feedback - involves thought! So where do Games and Simulations fit in

11 SAGSET 2006 I hate knowledge because … Learning is more than a brain dump and being able to recall things. For learning to be useful, knowledge must be transformed and embedded contextually. And this is where the learning process is key. This is where simulations and games are vital.

12 SAGSET 2006 Jeremy J. S. B. Hall Email: Web: From knowledge through simulated experience to wisdom

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