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Public Report by Equalities & Human Rights Commission 1 Hounslow Race & Equalities Council Nov 2010, jagdeesh singh.

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1 Public Report by Equalities & Human Rights Commission 1 Hounslow Race & Equalities Council Nov 2010, jagdeesh singh

2 700 page report A 3-year study into current inequalities in UK Identifies principal gaps Covers education, employment, life opportunities, stop and search and more 2 Hounslow Race & Equalities Council Nov 2010, jagdeesh singh

3 “Equal pay move ‘grinding to a halt’” – Herald Scotland “25% of people in Wales still illiterate” – North Wales News “Economic crisis could widen inequality” – Reuters “Attitudes improve but race is still a minefield” - Times 3 Hounslow Race & Equalities Council Nov 2010, jagdeesh singh

4 “Rich ‘live 7 yrs longer than poor’” – Mirror “Plight of the middle-aged women who have been turned into army of unpaid carers” – Daily Mail “UK society is divided and unfair” – Independent “More black people jailed in England and Wales proportionally than in US” - Guardian 4 Hounslow Race & Equalities Council Nov 2010, jagdeesh singh

5 “race is still the issue” – Guardian “shocking racial inequality” – BBC “A fair society does not mean an equal one”- Daily Telegraph “Britain’s coping classes at breaking point” – Daily Telegraph 5 Hounslow Race & Equalities Council Nov 2010, jagdeesh singh

6  One in ten Black Caribbean and African males are employed in managerial jobs, compared to 50% of the rest of the UK’s male population.  Only 1 in 4 of Muslim males are in employment, and the majority of these are taxi drivers.  Five times more black people are imprisoned compared to whites.  Chinese females are the highest performing students in the education system, closely followed by Indian. 6 Hounslow Race & Equalities Council Nov 2010, jagdeesh singh

7  Men earn 16% more than women.  Disabled people are twice as likely not to be in employment, training or education.  Two-thirds of homosexual students in schools have suffered serious bullying, with 17% of those bullied receiving death threats.  Women experience over three quarters of domestic violence and rape. 7 Hounslow Race & Equalities Council Nov 2010, jagdeesh singh

8  Fifty per cent of Muslim males, and 75% of Muslim females are unemployed.  Disabled women experience a 31% pay difference compared to disabled males.  One in four women, and one in five men in their fifties is a carer.  Crimes commonly suffered by women have the worst clear up rates.  Disabled males earn 11% less than non-disabled males.  Fifty per cent of disabled adults are in work, compared to 79% of non-disabled. 8 Hounslow Race & Equalities Council Nov 2010, jagdeesh singh

9  Women with no qualifications, suffer as 58% loss in potential earnings over their lifetime if they have children.  Chinese and Indian people (particularly Hindu) are twice as likely to be employed as managers as white British people.  Jewish males are 13 times more likely to have a professional post, compared to Muslim males.  Homophobic bullying is more common in faith-schools.  Boys from white working class, Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi backgrounds are the least achieving groups in the school system. 9 Hounslow Race & Equalities Council Nov 2010, jagdeesh singh

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