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ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Primary ICT Update Ian Brewer

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Presentation on theme: "ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Primary ICT Update Ian Brewer"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Primary ICT Update Ian Brewer

2 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Dorset ICT in Schools Conference 2008 09:30 – 10:15 ICT Update including VLE Trials ICT for the Future in Dorset Primary Schools Kristina Wingeleth and Gavin Williams 10:15 – 11:00 Primary Becta SRF Update – Matt Gurney SWGfL Content – Ian Southwell Merlin / ILP Update – Linda Duffy 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee 11:30 – 12:30 Main Hall Key Note Speaker : John Davitt 12:30 – 14:30 Function Room Exhibition and lunch

3 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Pm Workshops 14:00 – 15:00: Learning Platforms -Q&A and case studies from around the country. Sound Recording - Exploring the potential of enhancing learning with the use of audio technology. Pupil Voice and Rights Respecting Schools - Developing opportunities for pupils to make use of the technology to have their say. UMPC and Handheld devices - School and Home access to educational content using portable devices Update on Ofsted Findings

4 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Self Review Framework – currently 53% of Dorset primary phase schools have engaged with the online matrix –The 2008 ICT Excellence Awards are now open for entries! Read about this year’s categories and how to enter. Don’t miss the deadline of 30 April 2008!categories how to enter

5 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Harnessing Technology Grant 2008-11 “We are replacing the previous separate technology grants with a new Harnessing Technology Grant in order to better support the objectives of the Government's e-strategy 'Harnessing Technology'. We want to encourage a co-ordinated approach to technology in schools, allowing schools and local authorities (on their behalf) to spend the funding as they see fit based on locally agreed priorities. ” Becta November 2007

6 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 How the grant will be paid? The funding will be distributed to schools via local authorities, through the Standards Fund. Local authorities are expected to retain 25 per cent of their allocation centrally to ensure that all schools receive the benefits of aggregated purchasing, including the provision of broadband through regional broadband consortia or their approved suppliers.

7 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 How to use this grant The Harnessing Technology Grant can be used to support purchases of ICT infrastructure and equipment or upgrades.

8 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Other funding available for ICT Schools and local authorities are also able to use Devolved Formula Capital and the Schools Development Grant to fund ICT priorities.

9 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Curriculum Online and eLCs Ring-fenced funding via eLCs will cease at the end of August 2008 – at which point the Curriculum Online service will come to a close. It will not be possible to use eLCs to purchase digital resources after this date, so schools should try to ensure that their allocation is not wasted. Schools may also need to consider how items such as ongoing software subscriptions can be funded beyond this date.

10 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Action Research A group of Dorset practitioners who have demonstrated an enthusiasm for developing the use of ICT and have engaged on action research projects to share practice and develop materials and teaching resources. There is potential for these practitioners to work in other schools providing support as required.

11 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 ICT and the Renewed Frameworks A relatively recent addition to the site is the identification of ICT applications in Literacy by stage and category: 1. Audio 2. Digital images 3. General 4. Drama 5. Multimedia 6. Online collaboration 7. Online resources 8. Proprietary software 9. Video 10. Word processing

12 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 ICT Strategic Leaders Dorset Forums Mon 02/06/2008 Tue 03/06/2008 Wed 04/06/2008 Thu 05/06/2008

13 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 Thinkuknow trainingThinkuknow SWGfL Regional Conferences Dorset Cybersafety Conference Parents Evenings Byron Review E-safety

14 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 and finally………….

15 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 and finally………….

16 ICT in Schools Conference – 17 th April 2008 and finally………….

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