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Oilseed Rape Update on new RL varieties and disease management Paul Gosling Research & KT Manager (Agronomy) 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Oilseed Rape Update on new RL varieties and disease management Paul Gosling Research & KT Manager (Agronomy) 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oilseed Rape Update on new RL varieties and disease management Paul Gosling Research & KT Manager (Agronomy) 1

2 2 Recommended list new additions for 2012

3 3 VarietyTypeRegionBreeder Marko*SRH-DSV DK CamelotWOpen pollinatedE/WDEKALB DK ExpowerWRHE/WDEKALB ThorinWRH semi dwarfE/WLSPB PalaceWRHUKLSPB ArtogaWRHNorthLimagrain CrackerWRHSp UKLSPB Oilseed rape * The spring OSR list is descriptive

4 Spring varieties 4 MarkoDelightTamarin RH Conv Gross output[109]101102 Oil content[44.5]43.943.4 Lodging[8]88 Shortness of stem[4]66 Earliness of maturity[3]76 New Yield

5 5 Winter varieties

6 Seasonal variation in oilseed rape E/W yields (controls & new) 6 Average yield gain worth £140/ha based OSR @ £350/tonne

7 Restored hybrid varieties DK ExpowerPR46W21 E/W gross output105109 Lodging[7]8 Stem stiffness79 Shortness of stem66 Earliness of maturity65 Phoma stem canker[9]5 Light leaf spot64 DK Expower contains the RLM7 resistance gene giving good resistance to Phoma Resistance New 7

8 Conventional varieties DK CamelotDK Cabernet E/W gross output 106108 Lodging [7]8 Stem stiffness 79 Shortness of stem 87 Earliness of maturity 64 Phoma stem canker 66 Light leaf spot [5]5 DK Camelot is an earlier maturing variety Agronomy New 8

9 Semi-dwarf RH - East/West ThorinDK Sequoia E/W gross output104101 Lodging[8]8 Stem stiffness99 Shortness of stem98 Earliness of maturity56 Stem canker[5]6 Light leaf spot65 Thorin is a high yielding semi dwarf variety with short stiff stems Yield Agronomy New

10 Clubroot resistant RH CrackerMendel E/W gross output9794 Lodging8[8] Stem stiffness89 Shortness of stem66 Earliness of maturity66 Stem canker45 Light leaf spot95 Cracker provides growers with a combination of light leaf spot resistance and clubroot resistance Yield Resistance New 10

11 11 New information on disease management

12 Clubroot 12 RD-2007-3373 Management of clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) in winter oilseed rape RD-2008-3525 Brassicas: Further Development of “in field” tests for resting spores of clubroot and the development of clubroot control based on detection Diseased Healthy

13 Clubroot distribution RD-2007-3373 50% of Scottish samples 54% of English samples 13

14 Effect on yield 14

15 Clubroot persistence 15 Modelled from Swedish data

16 Field trial results - RD-2007-3373 16 Factor / SiteAberdeen WarwickshireHerefordshire 2008/ 2009 AberdeenShropshire 2007/20082008/ 20092009/2010 2007/2008 Clubroot epidemic Very low all season Low all seasonLow in autumn and medium in spring Moderate in autumn and severe in summer Very severe from early on Autumn conditions Cool and drier than average Cool and very wet, early frosts Dry at sowing Early winter WetWet, coolWet, warmer Soil treatment effect NoYes No Variety effectNo Yes - pH pre trial6. Calcium pre trial (mg/l) 18572407172099921271720 Clubroot severity pre trial (bioassay)

17 Project conclusions Clubroot can cause significant yield loses in OSR even crop failure. Neither varietal resistance or soil amendments offer complete and reliable control. The risks of clubroot increase when brassicas are grown in short rotations (less than 1 in 5?) Preventative action with lime will be beneficial in managing this disease where pressure is low. Varietal resistance is likely to be very successful initially but will be eroded in short rotations. 17

18 Topic sheet 18

19 Oilseed Rape 2012 and beyond New RL varieties showing increased yield and improved agronomic characteristics Watch for signs of clubroot - consider management options

20 Thank you 20

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