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Science at Mile End. Why science improvement? -City (and nation) wide priority -The UK has a shortage of graduates in science, technology, engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Science at Mile End. Why science improvement? -City (and nation) wide priority -The UK has a shortage of graduates in science, technology, engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science at Mile End

2 Why science improvement? -City (and nation) wide priority -The UK has a shortage of graduates in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects. -830,000 graduate-level Stem experts and 450,000 technicians will be needed by 2020. The jobs are out there!

3 What’s been going on? Engagement with Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) Exciting staff and pupils! New resources, quality CPD and “risk taking!”

4 PSQM National award scheme Accreditation for teaching and learning of science Audit, set targets, modify practice, reflect and evidence.

5 Everyone has been involved Staff involvement in the initial science audit for PSQM was vital for a broad understanding of where we were and where we needed to go in relation to science Pupil voice played an important role when deciding our principles. The children had lots of ideas about when good science was taught at Mile End. Creating planning documents for schemes of work and selecting appropriate resources in conjunction with staff has ensured a joined up approach to promoting and achieving our principles. Science development work is committed to the school improvement plan. All principles and schemes of work to be reviewed annually.

6 Science Principles At Mile End, good science occurs when:  Lessons are exciting and children enjoy talking about their learning  Children are working collaboratively to share ideas and thinking.  Children are investigating and enquiring.  The learning is “hands on”  Pupils have the opportunity to use a variety of equipment and materials.  Investigations and experiments are child led.  Staff and pupils are happy to “get it wrong” and talk about how they might do something differently next time.  Lessons take place outside.  Children are able to make real life links with their learning.

7 Science is valued in the school Science activities, information and principles are highly visible in school Staff and pupils make effective use of displays to show others the science work they have been doing. The school website is used to share our love of science with parents and the wider world! We love using the awesome spaces and grounds in our school to enjoy science activities and learning. We value science so much that we invited our parents to come and see us learning! Science has been popular at a lunchtime STEM club!

8 Staff receive quality training Staff enjoyed a Kitchen Chemistry workshop with Satrosphere staff who came to school. Staff stated that they had enjoyed the session and have subsequently used what they learned in class. Science Champion training at Satrosphere gave staff the skills to run the programme successfully in school. The programme has had a big impact on our P1 and P7 children Continually updated, the “Science @ Mile End” pages on Glow are a hub for lesson ideas, research articles, weblinks, resources, latest news and professional dialogue. A source of independent CPD, staff have used the pages and commented that “There is always something there to help” “Lunchtime Bytes” have enabled me to share CPD training on topics such as concept cartoons, new resources, scientific enquiry and concept mapping whilst everyone has their lunch!

9 Excellent resources Clear organisation of resources in our “science cupboard” has ensured that all staff have full access. The cupboard is visited regularly by the science co-ordinator and a group of pupils to assess the status of what we have. Free resource packs from the British Science Association have been used extensively throughout the school with all classes using them during Science Week. Class pets have provided hands on experience! Free and home made resources such as rock kits, investigation materials and plants have had a big impact from nursery to P7 Pupils regularly use ICT to enhance and support their learning. They have experience with many forms of technology, from microscopes and robots to log boxes, iPads, Net books and PCs. The use of ICT has supported cross curricular links too.

10 Improved assessment Concept mapping has been used by some members of staff to generate specific success criteria in science lesson. The science subject leader has offered CPD training on this and will roll out its use next academic year. Staff use an appropriate balance of product and process evidence in order to facilitate manageable assessment. Staff are encouraged to make use of photographic evidence. A child’s explanation of how he reduced friction using paperclip axle mounts is successfully recorded. The assessment section of our science policy is based upon the latest advice from Education Scotland.

11 Children leading the learning The science fair gives enables children to pursue their curiosity whilst developing their enquiry, research and observation skills. Attendance at the city wide event promotes involvement and interest The science champions scheme has engaged P7 and P1 pupils in many new and interesting ways. The children take ownership of their learning and lead others to ensure breadth, depth and progression of science skills.

12 Enjoyment! Recent, pupil led, school improvement assemblies have shown that science is one of the children’s favourite subjects “Science Week was awesome! We got to do loads of fun experiments!” P3 Pupil “I love all of the new resources we get to use!” Rowan P5 “The looks on the infants’ faces when you teach them science makes me smile” Euan P7 I enjoyed being able to test out experiments and then teach them to others” Fraser P7 “I can’t wait to do more science when I get higher up the school” P1 pupil “The science fair was ace because I got to come up with my own investigation and find out more about my interests” Lya P6

13 Community! Our S6 Ambassador has been a fantastic support to both staff and pupils as we have tried new ideas and activities in science. Esther is off to Cambridge Uni with an excellent reference! The school has developed strong links with Satrosphere Science Centre. P7’s learning how to teach science to younger children. Our Engineering Day strengthened our links with scientists and engineers from the oil industry. Our pupils now have a better understanding of science in action. Scientific researchers from the Hutton Institute helping pupils to gather forensic evidence! We enjoy a great relationship with Generation Science who support us to deliver awesome workshops. Links with the university have been developed through our science fair and through the school of education. We have links with oil companies and make use of their expertise to enhance learning. E.g P5 chromatography workshop. We enjoy working with the Grammar school to share resources and ideas. Collaboratively developed transition projects will help our P7s as they progress to secondary..

14 Where next? Gold level PSQM Increase community interaction Challenge and enthuse our children!

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