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Health and Wellbeing for GPs and PMs. Stress? What do you mean by stress?

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Wellbeing for GPs and PMs. Stress? What do you mean by stress?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Wellbeing for GPs and PMs

2 Stress?

3 What do you mean by stress?

4 Group task  Think about what causes you the most stress in a normal working day.  At your table try to agree your top 3 stress factors.

5 Feedback

6 The truth  The work is not going to go away!  The NHS is always going to be re-organised every few years!  Doctors (and Nurses) will always be difficult!  So we need to develop some skills to thrive

7 Stress tips

8 Mindfulness exercise  Stop breathe and think app  Mindful breathing exercise

9 Next steps?  Take some time to think about the issue  Have a look at Health and Wellbeing section on our website  Talk to your colleagues  Recognise the issue

10 Any Questions?

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