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Published byOswaldo Wiltshire Modified over 10 years ago
Essential Guide to Running a Sports Club March 2006
Essential Guide page 1 Introduction page 2 - 6The Athletic Union and its Resources page 7 - 9Forms page 10 - 11Transport page 12 - 15AU Clubs Committee Members and Roles page 16 - 25Finance page 26 - 28 Duty of Care page 29 Club Recognition and Individual Awards C O N T E N T S Essential Guide
1 INTRODUCTION The Students’ Union is comprised of three institutions, Loughborough University, Loughborough College, and the RNIB. The Athletic Union (AU) is a section of the Union that aims to offer sporting opportunities to the Union’s membership. The AU is responsible for the running and promotion of sporting activities amongst the members of the Students’ Union and provides support and guidance to each of its 53 active clubs. All AU clubs are run by students for students, ultimately led by a full time student sabbatical officer - the AU President. If there is anything you need to know, or you would like to use the AU resources please feel free to call into the AU Office (upstairs in the Union Building) and chat to the Athletic Union President, or the three members of staff, Ann Wilson, Lynn Brownless, Dave Crawford) -we will be more than happy to help you out. The AU would like to wish you the best of luck for your time here at Loughborough Essential Guide
THE ATHLETIC UNION (AU) AND ITS RESOURCES The Athletic Union office is the place where you will spend some of your free time sorting out a variety of things for your club to function smoothly during the forthcoming year - it is open: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday12 noon - 5.00 pm Wednesday and Friday9.00 am - 5.00 pm Saturday and Sunday9.00 am - 12.00 noon (manned by AU Exec members) The AU Team - consists of the Athletic Union President (a sabbatical student) who is voted in on a yearly basis, the Athletic Union Executive Committee, who are a group of elected students responsible, along with the President, for making Athletic Union decisions, 3 full time members of staff (Ann Wilson, Lynn Brownless, Dave Crawford) and Sarah Cullum, (yearly sabbatical student placement). WHO DOES WHAT? Lynn – Assistant Sports Administrator - see Lynn for any facility bookings for training or fixtures; coach transport, meal and Hey Ewe tickets, medibags and equipment lists. Lynn books all your facilities as soon as your fixture lists and training requirements are received in the office it is important that you inform Lynn of any alterations to these. Deadlines for emergency/one off pitch bookings are: 3.00 pm Mondays for Wednesday afternoons 3.00 pm Thursdays for weekends It is your responsibility to check wall charts to make sure designated times meet your needs. If weather proves doubtful, check with the office for likelihood of cancellations. Any additional indoor facilities needed require booking a minimum of one week in advance - please stick to this to avoid disappointment. 2
Essential Guide Ann – Sports Administrator - see Ann for any BUSA competitions; BUSA representative information, accommodation, finances; codes of practice, private vehicle registration, constitutions, development plans and insurance / health and safety advice. Dave – Athletic Union Finance officer -see Dave for any membership issues, financial queries, equipment and clothing orders. On-line product maintenance. Sarah - Athletic Union Development Assistant (yearly placement student) – see Sarah for Loughborough WOW magazine articles, promotion of club (videos and reports), club taster days ATHLETIC UNION PRESIDENT - the job involves the day to day running of the Athletic Union, together with the Athletic Union Executive Committee and Athletic Union Finance Committee with accountability to all its membership. The Athletic Union President’s role on Students’ Union Executive is to represent the Athletic Union’s interests. The Athletic Union President is also required to report to Union Council, Union Executive Meetings and liaises with the other executive members on the general running of the Students’ Union. Externally the Athletic Union President sits on internal, local, regional, and national committees to represent the membership of the Union. The AU President liaises with all the component institutions (RNIB, Loughborough College, and the University), as well as departments like the Sports Development Centre (SDC), Estates, and the School of Sport and Exercise Science on current sporting issues. You can also come into the Athletic Union during office hours with any queries regarding your club, the Athletic Union, sporting issues or for help with problems you might be experiencing as a club member! 3
Essential Guide RESOURCES There are a number of resources available for your club’s use which can be found in the office. Make sure you take full advantage of them!! COMMUNICATION Telephones - these can be used at anytime throughout the day - for club business only (no charge to the clubs). AU Direct-line 01509 635054 (plus answer-phone) AU President 01509 635052 Ann Wilson01509 635053 Lynn Brownless01509 635054 Dave Crawford01509 635054 Sarah Cullum01509 635154 LSU Reception01509 635000 Faxes AU Fax (free of charge ) 01509 635055 LSU Fax (25 pence/sheet ) 01509 635003 Pigeonholes - are located opposite the office door to the right. Please check these everyday for any telephone messages, post, information - it would be helpful for committees to allocate one person to be responsible for collecting and passing on information to relevant people i.e. fixtures secretary, treasurer, etc. Post - official letters, confirmation of fixtures may be posted via Athletic Union free of charge (paper, envelopes and stamps provided within reason!). You are expected to take any parcels or returned goods to the nearest post office and pay for postage. Computers - the clubs’ computer is in the Resource Room behind Lynn’s desk. It can be used for committee meetings, e-mailing club contacts, database updating, and Uniservity website development. It’s available anytime the office is open. 4
Essential Guide PUBLICITY Digital Camera - this camera is available to all Athletic Union Clubs for matches, competitions or any publicity purpose - and for free! You will need to come in and give advance notice if you would like to use it. Remember, there is only one camera at the moment and many clubs will want to use it, so please be prompt when returning the equipment. Media Centre - next door to the AU is the Media Centre. This is where your club could benefit from expert advice and state of the art equipment. If you want special events recorded, make a promotional video or learn about how to use the facilities, the Media Centre is there for your use. The Media Centre also offer the opportunity for your matches/performances to be shown on LSU TV in the Union. It is important that you realise that it is there for you to learn about promotion and publicity (through the courses they run) so please take advantage of this centre, it cost £1.2 million….and it is worth it! Keep an eye out for training sessions on the Media noticeboard just down the corridor from the AU. Loughborough WOW - is your chance for you to promote and report your club’s achievements. This can be done by emailing The AU always need more photos for our publicity, so remember to take a camera to your fixtures and e mail or send us copies of your photos (these can be scanned in, so there is no chance of you losing your photos!). LCR - Loughborough Campus Radio (LCR) provides you with an excellent chance for publicising your success. It is also your chance to host your own radio show! Through the Media Centre you can get trained and learn how to become a disc jockey! 5
Essential Guide 6 OTHER RESOURCES Websites - don’t forget we have our own web-site that you can gain access to through BUSA results and information on all competitions. can be accessed in two ways, firstly through the Athletic Union’s web-site or BUSA’s main information site Each club also has its own web-site on Room Bookings - any club wishing to book rooms for committee meetings, which will hopefully be on a monthly basis! - can do so via the Union Reception. There are three meeting rooms which can be used FREE OF CHARGE. University meeting rooms may also be booked by Athletic Union clubs via Lynn. Printing and Photocopying - please pop into the AU to complete and attach relevant forms before taking photocopying/printing to Union Reception. Any large quantities i.e.booklets, please allow plenty of warning, and try and avoid Thursdays and Fridays if at all possible. Collect from LSU Reception Most clubs’ budgets are very small for printing and photocopying and once used, you will be expected to pay for this service from your private accounts. All publications e.g.newsletters, songbooks, must be proof read by a member of the Union Executive before they can be printed, therefore submit your work well in advance
Essential Guide FORMS There are a large number of forms issued by the Athletic Union Office - the following forms are those which you are likely to use on a regular basis. Copies of these forms are kept in the AU office. FINANCE There are three types of form which enable you to claim back money for various events: GREEN Club claim form- used to claim monies from the club’s union account - club treasurer’s signature needed. Can be used for many club activities such as paying competition entry fees, travelling to matches, repair of equipment etc. You will need to check with your treasurer or the AU Finance Officer regarding appropriate things to claim back for. PINK BUSA claim form - mainly used to claim back travelling expenses when representing Loughborough at BUSA fixtures/championships - club treasurer’s signature not needed for this form. BLUE BUSA Representative claim form - to be used by individuals who have represented BUSA (i.e. British University Games, English Universities, Home Nations). Club Treasurer’s signature not needed. Receipts are needed for all areas claimed back and VAT receipts are required when claiming for petrol (please ask for one when paying at garage) – NO RECEIPTS – NO MONEY! SUPPLEMENTARY FINANCE AWARDS If at any time your treasurer and committee feel that there are certain things which are essential for the operation of your club, but which have not been accommodated for in your budget then you can apply for a supplementary award (see AU President and also see Finance Section for more detailed information). 8
Essential Guide EQUIPMENT ORDER FORMS Any equipment to be purchased must be done so online in the AU office. Only equipment allocated for in the grant can be purchased unless a supplementary grant application has been approved or special arrangements made at the discretion of the AU President. All equipment purchased is recorded and new items need clearly marking LSU. It is essential that ANY invoices are addressed to: Loughborough Students’ …… Club Athletic Union Union Building, Ashby Road Loughborough, Leics LE11 3TT PRIVATE VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORMS These forms need to be completed by all club members who wish to transport other students in their own cars for the purpose of club business. i.e. for club events /matches. This is for insurance purposes, and is therefore extremely important - it will not cost you any money. CLUB COMMITTEE FORMS These are used daily by the Athletic Union staff and it is essential that they are kept up to date. This information is kept confidential and telephone numbers, addresses etc are not released to anyone unless otherwise stated on the forms (tick boxes) 9
Essential Guide TRANSPORT There are several types of transport which can be used by your club. Make sure you book well in advance at the start of each term. MINIBUSES -to book - fill out a gold (BUSA) or Lilac (non-BUSA), or Blue (9 seat vehicle) request form ((kept in AU) which must be signed off by an AU member of staff. Then take form to Union Reception. It is worth checking at Reception a day after your request that there is a bus available for you, however, you should also receive e-mail confirmation of your request. All students wishing to drive minibuses, once registered on the vehicle insurance policy must take part in a driver’s workshop, sit a theory test and take an on road driving assessment. Forms are available from Union Reception. Please encourage all eligible drivers to register, it is not fair that the onus falls on one or two club member to do all the driving. Drivers will need to keep all petrol receipts to claim back – these must be VAT receipts Criteria for driving Union minibuses Drivers of 15 and 17 seat vehicles must be aged 21 or over and have held a full, clean UK driving licence for a minimum period of at least two years. Drivers of 9 seat vehicles (ie AU Tourneo) must aged 18 or over and held a full, clean UK driving licence for a minimum period of at least one year. If journeys involve distances of more than 200 miles, then two drivers will be needed (or if the driver has not driver a miniubs on 4 other occasions, then 100 miles). Clubs who are taking part in contact sports must have a second driver. Also, when collecting keys, drivers must show their minibus driving pass and also hand in the yellow passenger sheet ( please make sure he/she is given that information else you could end up with no minibus!!) 10
Essential Guide Minibus keys are to be collected from the Union Office by the driver between 9.30 am and 4.00 pm Monday to Friday on the appropriate day. For a Saturday or Sunday booking, the keys must be collected no later than 4.00 pm Friday else that minibus will be offered for re-booking. Minibus cancellations - the Union Reception must be notified of any cancelled bookings - please note that any cancellations with less than 48 hours’ notice (72 for weekend bookings) will be charged at the full rate. COACHES - book through Lynn, well in advance if possible (not Friday for Saturday please!!) and remember to cancel transport if fixtures are off. CARS - if you use members’ cars to go to fixtures, the owners must complete the Private Vehicle Registration Form (available from AU) and return it to the office - this is to ensure that they have the correct insurance cover. RAIL TRAVEL - only used very occasionally, and paid back at student rail rate. So try and get your members to purchase a rail card if you have to use the trains. TAXIS/AIR TRAVEL –to be agreed in advance with the AU President. 11
Essential Guide AU CLUBS’ COMMITTEE MEMBERS The following gives details of various responsibilities of Committee members. A training weekend is held late March to give training opportunities for newly elected club committee members – these are run by the AU President and LSU Resource Department; the workshops benefit all and include – chairman’s training, treasurer’s training, how to run meetings, communications, health and safety, Uniservity website training. Role of Chairperson Is the principal officer in a club Chairs meetings Acts as conciliator Makes decisions in consultation with other officers when appropriate Is the AU’s central email contact and will receive all AU emails. S/he will then need to forward that information on to the relevant committee member and ensure that it is acted upon by the designated time. A good Chairperson is: Well informed of the activities of the organisation and the current financial position Able to represent the club at local, regional and national level Able to chair committee meetings and manage the General meetings, so that everybody has a chance to present their view Well informed about the agenda of the meeting and the items to be covered Able to ensure that the agenda of the meeting is followed and that all business is completed and that all decisions are properly understood and recorded Able to keep a debate focused and avoid deviations Able to ensure that planning and budgeting for the future are carried out in accordance with the wishes of the members Unbiased and impartial and if personally involved in a matter then prepared to give up the chair during that particular discussion A good listener who is able to summarise the main points of a discussionConversant with the constitution and standing orders of the organisation and with procedure for the conduct of meetings Diplomatic and helpful and able to get the best out of the other members of the Committee Able to maintain the harmony of the group even when there is disagreement about the proposed course of action 12
Essential Guide Role of Secretary - Is the "nerve centre' of the club - Is the principal administrative officer and provides the link between members, the committee, outside agencies (i.e. other clubs, leagues) - Needs to be well organised and conscientious - Deals with correspondence promptly - Minutes all meetings (committee and general) and is responsible for preparing the Annual General Meeting. (A copy of all Club Minutes should be sent to the AU) - Files and maintains club records - Needs to be able to lead and supervise others To be a good Secretary remember the following: - You need to be keen to do a good job - You need to be well organised and conscientious - Deal with correspondence promptly - Follow the guidelines for meetings to ensure that they are productive - Be able to keep club records and find them quickly and easily - If at any time you feel you are not appreciated, try hinting that you will not be standing for re-election next time or are even thinking of standing down - suddenly people will realise how invaluable you are! Role of Treasurer -Looks after the club's finances and keeps the AU President / AU Finance officer regularly informed - Collects subscriptions and all money due to the club - Pays bills and records information - Keeps up-to-date records of all financial transactions - Ensures all cash and cheques are promptly deposited in the bank - Ensures that funds are spent properly - Issues receipts for all monies received and records this information - Reports regularly to the committee on the financial position 13
Essential Guide Tips for the Treasurer How to manage it and how to get more of it! - A club which is slapdash in handling and accounting for its money is likely to be sloppy in other aspects of its work - Not only must you look after funds with scrupulous honesty, but you must be seen to do so - try to: - Establish a system which prevents fraud, rather than one to discover it or compensate for it - Do not over-estimate your ability to remember details of financial transactions - write them down! - Do not try to manage without a budget or you will be heading for financial difficulties - If you feel under pressure, confused or that you are losing control, Seek help at once, remember you are a volunteer not an accountant and you are making a vital contribution to the well-being of the club - Finally, having ensured the financial well-being of the club you will have the respects and thanks of everyone around you and a good deal of personal satisfaction too Other Important Committee Positions Role of Fixtures/Match Secretary - Arranges and confirms fixtures well in advance with opposition - Ensures that pitches, referees and meals are booked correctly - Imparts this information to team captains - If fixtures are cancelled informs all relevant parties - Deals with all transport and accommodation for away fixtures A good Fixtures Secretary is: - Well organised in advance 14
Essential Guide - A good communicator /diplomatic with outside bodies and team captains - Keeps clear, accurate records of all matches/fixtures and arrangements made - Ensures clashes of fixtures do not occur, but when they do, keeps a cool head whilst making alternative arrangements Role of Equipment Officer / Vice Chairperson - Is responsible for the general upkeep and repair of club equipment - Should make regular checks of all equipment ensuring items meet required safety standards/annual checks are carried out by qualified personnel. - Deals with ordering and storage of all equipment - Ensures equipment list held is accurate and up-to-date - Is responsible for adequate insurance cover of all equipment - Maintains records of equipment used by club members and makes sure that only members who have been trained to use equipment are allowed access to it. If you are not sure of your role, or what or how you are supposed to do things, come into the AU office and ask!! Each club committee should have in its’ possession at all times for reference and guidance a copy of the club’s constitution, the code of practice and its’ development plan - if missing, extras to be found in AU office and on the Club’s webpage on the Union server. AU clubs are student led and student focussed! These roles and responsibilities are not difficult but they are valuable and important to the Students’ Union – these roles will help you learn skill for the future. 15
Essential Guide FINANCE It is obviously important for your treasurer to understand your club’s finances. However, it is also vital that other members of the committee have an understanding to do so that they don’t start making unreasonable demands on your treasurer and his/her budgets!!! Athletic Union Account Each year clubs are given an Athletic Union grant application form at the end of the spring term to assess financial requirements for the forthcoming year. These application forms then go before the AU Finance Committee, each club is reviewed on its needs and money allocated accordingly. The whole Athletic Union budget then goes to LSU finance for approval. How Your Budget Works The method for collecting clubs’ subscriptions has now changed. The Union has adopted an online method of signing up, where your members will need to logon to the Union’s website, using their student id number or user name, provided by LSU. Once logged on, they follow the links to the eshop, put the relevant items in the shopping basket and then authorise credit/debit card payment on the World Pay system. Subscription numbers will be capped at the level agreed the the AU (in accordance with your development plans) AU subscriptions should be paid in no later than 31st October, or your budget risks being affected ie if numbers not reached then your budget will be proportionally reduced! 16 BUDGET
Essential Guide HOW IS THE MONEY IN OUR CLUB ACCOUNT RELEASED? Meals - an internal transfer from your ledger to the catering outlet will be automatically made. If you do not notify us of any cancelled fixtures and your meal tickets are issued, you will still be charged, even though they will not have been used. Referees - these expenses are paid to the referees at the time of the match. Collect forms from the AU prior to the match. MAKE SURE THE FORM IS COMPLETED BY MATCH OFFICIAL ANDYOU GET RECEIPTS in order to claim back from the Union account. Transport Coach hire - all coaches must be booked through the Athletic Union Office well in advance. All coach bills are paid straight from the Union account automatically (nb coaches are very expensive and should only be used for multi-team fixtures). Minibus hire - minibuses should be run “half full to half full”. Petrol claims will be reimbursed at 20p per mile from the club ledger. VAT receipts should be attached to the claim form with the date and description of the trip plus mileage. Hire costs are internally debited from the clubs Union account monthly. Car travel - always encouraged as this is cheaper, and reimbursed under the same guidelines as above but at 14p per mile. Please note that all drivers will be required to complete and return the Private Vehicle Registration form before any claims are made. Rail travel - only used occasionally, and paid back at student rail rate. Air travel – must be agreed in well advance with AU President 17
Essential Guide Entry Fees and Affiliations - any entry fees to competitions or affiliations to national governing bodies etc. can be paid from club’s Union account - for those competitions allocated for in the grant (invoices required) Insurance - all Athletic Union members are covered by the Endsleigh Personal Accident Scheme - Platinum Cover and also the Union’s Public Liability insurance. Certain clubs pay insurance through Governing Bodies i.e. RFU and acquire additional cover for large items/expensive items of equipment i.e. Noble Marine Insurance for the Sailing Club. Equipment - clubs may ONLY purchase equipment which has been allocated for in their grant and in all cases you must use the official order form, which must be countersigned by the Athletic Union President or Sports Administrator. Equipment can be paid d irectly from the club’s Union account – please ensure that a copy of the order form and a correctly addressed invoice is attached to the claim form. An inventory of all clubs’ equipment is held in the office and is regularly updated. This is to ensure the items are insured and also are in good condition. Coaching - all club coaches are required to sign an Athletic Union contract. Please check with Athletic Union President /Athletic Union Finance Officer regarding payment of the same Accommodation - the Athletic Union will only pay for accommodation for BUSA at a maximum cost of £12 per night per person. All accommodation to be booked and agreed beforehand with the Athletic Union President and/or Sports Administrator. None is allowed if team/individual can leave Loughborough at 7.30 am and reach venue one hour before event. If BUSA representative match then 60% of costs are paid – receipts needed. 18
Essential Guide Union Account Money Cannot Be Used For: For social events of any kind (including tours) To pay for any of the above mentioned if you do not have any valid receipts Medals or prizes of any kind Jumpers, tee shirts or tracksuits. Payments should be made by clubs to manufacturers on receipt of goods (always collect individual’s money BEFORE placing an order - never after having received the goods). Make sure you have everything confirmed in writing between the club and the manufacturer ! To note that all payment for these should now be collected through the AU on-line system. Postage/Telephones - your grant cannot be used for claims for either of these expenses as these are supplied by the office. BUSA - your club ledger is not used for BUSA activity. The Athletic Union has a separate fund from which to reimburse individuals and clubs for BUSA. How to Claim Complete appropriate colour coded claim form, attach receipts (if using green claim form remember to get your club treasurer to countersign) and then bring into AU office. Place inside “Finance In” tray. Cheques can be picked up from LSU Finance Office approximately five days later (open Monday to Friday 12.30 pm – 4.30 pm). BUDGETING Your club’s grant is broken down into the following areas, something like this: Home Matches (Meals and Refs)£ 50 Transport£ 75 Fixed Costs (Insurance/Entry Fees/Affiliation)£ 140 Equipment£ 600 Coaching£ 800 Sundry (Photocopying)£ 10 19
Essential Guide It is important that you are aware of how much you have left in each area and plan to keep within that figure – you are not allowed to overspend! (should you realise that you are close to doing so – please discuss the matter immediately with the AU President/AU Finance Officer) At special request, transfers may be made from one budget heading to another at the discretion of the AU President. If your club overspends on its AU grant, the sum by which it overspent will be deducted from the following year's grant. You may have inherited such a deduction - please do not leave the next treasurer in the same situation, the AU President will take steps to prevent overspending too. For the club's benefit, it will also be possible to obtain an up- to-date break down of the remaining funds in your grant at any time. The AU Finance Officer, AU President or Sports Administrator will be able to help you with this. Supplementary Grants Should the club be in need of finance outside of its grant allocation a SUPPLEMENTARY AWARD can be applied for. The supplementary award application will be discussed by the AU Finance Committee, and if the claim is reasonable and funds are available, an award may be made (however, there is usually very little additional funding available). Applications should be made using the Clubs’ Supplementary Application Form with a comprehensive explanation and break down of the money requested, and given to the AU President or Athletic Union Finance Officer. 21
Essential Guide GRANT ALLOCATION FORM This form goes out to all clubs towards the end of the spring term. Great care should be taken when filling in this form as your grant application has a direct affect on the club's activity during the following year. Every question should be filled in carefully, realistically and accurately with comprehensive, written explanations where necessary. Clubs should follow their development plans when completing this form. Important: any new events arranged since the grant application MUST BE SELF FINANCED. Representing Loughborough Students’ Athletic Union does not automatically mean you can claim expenses from the Athletic Union. If it is an event that has not been applied for then there has been NO MONEY ALLOCATED FOR IT. The Athletic Union does not have a bottomless pit of cash - ‘IF YOU ARE NOT SURE OF ANYTHING ASK’ This form is to be completed by the incoming and outgoing Chairs and Treasurers, as well as coaches or Directors of Sport if you have any. NatWest Private Accounts This is your Club’s second account, for which you are responsible. An important thing to bear in mind throughout this section is that the Athletic Union President is ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE for the way your private account is used. ALL PRIVATE ACCOUNTS MUST BE HELD WITH THE NAT WEST BANK, LOUGHBOROUGH, LSU BRANCH. Number of Accounts - your club is permitted only ONE private account to be held at the Nat West Bank. 22
Essential Guide Name of Account - the name of your account should be "Loughborough Students’............…..............................Club ". Please check your statements - there should be no individual's name involved on the statement. Address of accounts The statements should be addressed to: The Treasurer Loughborough Students’ ….......… Club The Athletic Union Union Building Ashby Road Loughborough, LEII 3TT Statements - copies of all Athletic Union clubs' private accounts are sent to the Athletic Union President, as well as each club receiving regular statements. Signatories - two signatories required per cheque and are the Club Treasurer and either the AU President or the Sports Administrator. Bank mandates for changing signatories are in the AU after committee elections (late March) – new treasurers will need to sign and then take completed mandate plus two means of identification (ie passport and one with current address eg driving licence) to the Natwest branch on campus. Allow a further two weeks for processing by the bank. Cheques are countersigned in the AU office during regular working hours throughout term time (preferably not Wednesdays or Fridays) and in exceptional circumstances, during vacations. Records of each cheque issued must be written into the hard-backed ledger book in the AU Office. NEVER SIGN BLANK CHEQUES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE AND ALWAYS MAKE A NOTE OF CHEQUE NUMBERS IN THE LEDGER. 23
Essential Guide The books (ledgers) - up-to-date, comprehensive records of your private accounts should be kept. Every item of income should be recorded, every item of expenditure should be recorded. Your ledger WILL be required to be returned to the AU Office at the end of each term. Failure to comply will result in the freezing of your grant and private account. Please ask for advice on keeping accounts if you are unsure of how to do it - it is important that it is done properly and accurately. GENERAL "GOOD HOUSEKEEPING” You can save yourself a lot of hassle if you follow these guidelines (most of these are based on mistakes made by previous treasurers!): Kit - NEVER take orders without the corresponding payment; NEVER give kit out on a "pay later" agreement. Keep receipts of ALL payments made out, together with NatWest bank statements and Athletic Union club ledger printouts. Social events - ENSURE your social secretaries DO NOT give out tickets without receiving payment. Payment for these can now been done on-line. Set realistic prices - BE AWARE of all the likely expenses (i.e. do not end up subsidising events accidentally), e.g. club dinner, printing of tickets (and menus!), hire of room, hire of disco, cost per head for meal, freebies to speakers/guests, expenses for speakers, travel costs per person - IT ALL ADDS UP!!! Make sure you have paid the ticket money into the bank before you pay the bill. Your account balance - be aware of what your balance is AT ANY TIME. Bounced cheques cost money, goodwill and are embarrassing. Collecting cheques - make sure that they are signed and dated and have the card number on the back. In case of problems, also add the individual's name and address - it will save you time later. 24
Essential Guide Record every individual cheque in your accounts - it will also help you balance the books if you fill in every cheque stub and paying in stub comprehensively. Fundraising and the future - money is going to become less available. Your club should consider fundraising wherever possible. Discos are a good way to raise cash for the club, venues such as The Gognito Fusion and Lava are available to be booked. Sponsored events - only worth doing (always good fun though), if administered carefully. You must get the sponsorship in, take a deposit for sponsor forms issued. Raffles - as with all fundraising events, only worth doing if you get the money in. Sponsorship - probably best to apply a year in advance - see AU President for useful tips. Any sponsorship must be discussed and agreed with the AU President prior to agreeing any terms. GENERAL NOTE ON CLUBS’ PRIVATE ACCOUNTS The way you spend your club’s funds in this respect is entirely up to your Club Committee. The Athletic Union President and/or the Athletic Union Finance Officer are only likely to step in if there is concern that funds are being abused. Your grant application is never related to your private account. If you have any queries or problems, please arrange to see the Athletic Union President or Athletic Union Finance Officer. 25
Essential Guide Duty of Care Essential Guide to Running a Sports Club
Essential Guide Duty of Care Duty of care and health and safety matters are extremely important issues for all clubs. There are several things to be aware of and to act upon. Code of Practice - each club has its own code of practice which outlines the responsibilities of its members whilst participating in the club's activities, also can be found on the club’s Uniservity site. This is reviewed annually and can be amended at any point (see Ann). All club members are required to read this information upon joining the club. Coaches' Code of Practice/Coaching Contract - a large number of clubs employ either paid or unpaid coaches. All coaches must sign a contract and agree to abide by the coaches' code of practice, supplied by the Athletic Union. These forms must be completed and returned each academic year before any coaching takes place. First Aid and Medibags - first aid bags are provided by the Athletic Union for all its clubs and basic medication for restocking these kits is provided by the Athletic Union upon request (see Lynn) - should any bags be lost, stolen or damaged, the money for a replacement bag will be from the club’s private account. First Aid Courses - these are held every year, and are organised by Coachsteps. Accident Reporting/Near Misses - if any member is injured during an organised club activity (home or away during training, matches etc), you must report it immediately to the Athletic Union Office and complete the LSU Accident Report form. 26
Essential Guide Facility Use - at the beginning of each academic year, every Athletic Union Club is required to sign a “use of university's facilities and equipment” form (issued by the Athletic Union) and no club will be allowed to use university facilities until this is done - please make sure you abide by the rules and regulations listed. Locking of Changing Rooms – please be aware of current SDC guidelines Also, each club is expected to follow the health and safety guidelines laid down by the governing body for that particular sport.... If you are unsure, call into the AU. Swimming Tests - at the beginning of each year all water-based Athletic Union club members are required to carry out a swimming test of 50 metres. We have had people in the past who have joined the Swimming Club, but not actually been able to swim a stroke!! Paramedic Cover - the Athletic Union hires a paramedic Wednesdays and Saturdays during the Autumn and Spring terms. He/she is based beside the Rubbercrumb and is there to be used by you. Please ensure that you read the “When to Call a Paramedic” information sheet and also the details on the club’s code of practice and make your members aware of these procedures. 27
Essential Guide Personal Accident Insurance - the Athletic Union pays for its members to have BUSA/Endsleigh Personal Accident Insurance - Platinum cover – the policy is held in AU for reference. This Insurance is only £8.00 per head and is included in the Athletic Union membership fee when joining an AU club – this is paid in addition to AU club annual subscription. It is recommended that if anyone competes in a high risk sport, then it is advisable to take out your own personal insurance policy too. 28
Essential Guide Club Recognition and Individual Awards Essential Guide to Running a Sports Club
Essential Guide CLUB RECOGNITION AND INDIVIDUAL AWARDS For those who have performed well within their sport or made an outstanding contribution to their club in other ways, there are a number of possible rewards known as colours. There are three different categories of awards: Full, Half and Club. Details of these can be obtained from the AU office. 29 Team of the Year/Club of the Year Nominations to be discussed and decided by Colours Committee at its’ second meeting. The Team and Club of the Year awards are presented at the Annual Athletic Union Dinner. All colours are presented at a separate prestigious ceremony, held during the summer term.
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