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Association of Business Management in Norfolk Schools 6 February 2014 Paul Commins NCC Health and Safety Adviser.

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Presentation on theme: "Association of Business Management in Norfolk Schools 6 February 2014 Paul Commins NCC Health and Safety Adviser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Association of Business Management in Norfolk Schools 6 February 2014 Paul Commins NCC Health and Safety Adviser

2 In the next half hour Red tape and sensible risk management NCC systems to support and improve schools’ health and safety performance Questions

3 Government and HSE Government agenda to reduce ‘burdens’ on schools and business Health and safety reviews – Young and Lofstedt Legislative changes - RIDDOR

4 DfE Expectations: ‘Advice on Legal Duties and Powers 2013’ Children should experience a wide range of activities. Health and safety measures should help them to do this safely, not stop them. Children should learn to understand and manage the risks that are a normal part of life. Common sense should be used to assess and manage the risks of any activity. Health and safety procedures should always be proportionate to the risks. Staff should be trained so they can keep themselves and children safe and manage risks effectively.

5 HSE Expectations: Sensible Risk Management Focus on reducing real risks – frequent risks and those with serious consequences Ensuring that those who create risks manage them responsibly Enabling individuals to understand that as well as the right to protection, they also have to exercise responsibility Ensuring employees receive suitable training

6 Sensible Risk Management isn’t about: Creating a risk free society Generating useless paperwork mountains Exaggerating trivial risks

7 Improving your health and safety performance Premises Management training/H&S for Governors training Asbestos Management Plans (what, when, how – remedial work; ongoing checks) Selecting contractors Primary and Secondary Curriculum COPs NCC online incident reporting system Support for individual employees and dispute resolution

8 Some questions for you: What are your high risk areas? Do the risk assessments cover these activities? Are your procedures/expectations clear? Are people working to these? Are all of your staff adequately trained? What health and safety monitoring do you do and how often? Where could it go wrong in your management chains?

9 Any questions?

10 Thank you for your time and participation Paul Commins

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