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St Mary’s CE Primary School. Achieving Together  What we have achieved so far  Children right across the school are making better and faster progress.

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Presentation on theme: "St Mary’s CE Primary School. Achieving Together  What we have achieved so far  Children right across the school are making better and faster progress."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Mary’s CE Primary School

2 Achieving Together  What we have achieved so far  Children right across the school are making better and faster progress than ever before  Teaching is good or better every day  We have a strong and passionate staff team across the school  Schools’ monitoring and self evaluation systems are robust and accurate  Behaviour is good and supports learning in the classroom  Learning is better resourced and the environment is cleaner, brighter and more stimulating  We were rated Good by Ofsted  We have stronger partnerships with parents and our community  Our skilled Governing Body knows the school better than it has ever done before and holds the school to account

3 St Mary’s CE Primary School Three Phases within one school We will hold the hand of every child; we will know them, support them, teach them and nurture them.

4 Why move Y2  To create 3 distinct phases within the school and a more continuous learning journey  Enable greater flexibility with the time table and curriculum, tailored to the age and stage of the children  To group staff and resources to best support all children and provide personalised and tailored support where needed  Ensure an absolute focus on best practice at each stage of a child's development  Break down old barriers  Greater sense of one school family

5 Last time we spoke you said ‘What Worked Well’  Drop off at classroom doors  Children have their own toilets  Start of term class newsletters  Planned and staggered playtimes / designated play areas  Close contact with teachers / easily accessible  Afterschool club  Parents involved in school life and are listened to  Playground at Church lane is great

6 Last time we spoke the things you said it would be ‘Even Better If’  Play times could be staggered  We could keep the feeling of grown-up-ness in Y2  We could make transition slow and well planned, making lots of visits  The Lunches could be as nice  We could help your children with their worries about older children  Easier communication for working parents  Stagger the beginning and end of the day to make drop-offs and pick-ups easier

7 Listening to parents and carers and making things easier  Adjusting the times of the school day so that parents/carers can be present when the bell goes on each site  Offering email communication for parents/carers  On line payments  Improved website giving parents access to more information

8 Some transition activities on top of the day to day routine stuff  Activities around Rectory Gardens including a treasure hunt and map making  Visiting for Lunch and play times  Playground buddies and peer mediators  Buddy system with year 5 – including buddy readers  Lots of Q & A with the children so as many of their questions can be answered  Taster days including drop off and pick up  Getting to know all the staff, including admin, site and lunch time staff  Visits to watch assemblies and performances  Parents workshops on the curriculum and an orientation session so you can get to know the building too







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