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Gweithgor Arfer Dda 16/5/11 Canolfan Glasdir, Llanrwst.

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Presentation on theme: "Gweithgor Arfer Dda 16/5/11 Canolfan Glasdir, Llanrwst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gweithgor Arfer Dda 16/5/11 Canolfan Glasdir, Llanrwst

2 Agenda: 9.15 – 9.15 Arrival and coffee 9.15 - 9.30Welcome and overview of the day 9.30 - 11.00Session 1: Market Place Activity The Market Place activity will also allow us to consider the following questions about the Group’s influence: What kind of implementation takes place/has taken place after the Group’s meetings? How do members of the Group report back to the SMT/Middle Management/all staff? What impact has this implementation had? What is the evidence? 11.00 – 11.15 Coffee 11.15 - 12.30Session 2: Considering Good Practice and Innovation as regards the Group’s work, Self-evaluation and Estyn’s Inspection Framework [ED/SG] 12.30 – 1.30 Lunch 1.30 – 2.45 Session 3: Leading on Assessment – Assessment, moderation, target setting, tracking and analysing data [DG/ED + EVJ]. 2.45 - 3.00 Next steps – the Group’s meetings for 2011/12: identifying priorities. 3.00 – 3.15 Plenary and evaluation

3 Rhaglen y Dydd: 9.15 – 9.15 Cyrraedd a choffi 9.15 - 9.30Croeso a throsolwg o’r diwrnod 9.30 - 11.00Sesiwn 1 / Session 1: Gweithgaredd Marchnad GADd Ffocws y gweithgaredd fydd i rannu’r gwaith sy’n digwydd fel deilliant i’r cyfarfodydd GADd 11.00 – 11.15 Coffi 11.15 - 12.30Sesiwn 2: Ystyried Arfer Dda ac Arloesedd yng nghyd-destun gwaith y GADd, Hunan Arfarnu a Fframwaith Arolygu Estyn / Arweiniad pellach ar yr offerynnau a’r patrymlun Hunan Arfarnu Adrannol*; [ED/SG] 12.30 – 1.30 Cinio 1.30 – 2.45 Sesiwn 3: Arwain ar Asesu – Asesu, cymedroli, gosod targedau, tracio a dadansoddi data [DG/ED + EVJ]**. 2.45 - 3.00 Camau nesaf - Cyfarfodydd y Gad 2011/12: adnabod blaenoriaethau. 3.00 – 3.15 Cloi ac Arfarnu *GADd Gogledd Ddwyrain.

4 Sesiwn 1: Gweithdy Marchnad:

5 Ffocws y ‘gwerthu a’r prynnu’: Fel rhan o’r gweithgaredd byddwn hefyd yn manteisio ar y cyfle i ystyried y cwestiynau allweddol canlynol am waith a dylanwad y grŵp: Pa weithredu sydd yn/wedi digwydd yn dilyn y cyfarfodydd GADd? Sut mae aelodau’r grŵp yn rhaeadru yn ôl i’r TURh/Rheolwyr Canol/Staff gyfan? Pa effaith mae’r gweithredu hyn wedi ei gael? Beth yw’r dystiolaeth?

6 Rhaeadru: Trefnwch eich hunain yn eich grwpiau anifeiliaid. Mewn grwpiau o 4 trafodwch eich canfyddiadau i’r cwestiynau yn dilyn y gweithgaredd marchnad.

7 Anifeiliaid:

8 Session 2: Considering Excellence and ‘Sector Leading Practice’:

9 GradeDescription ExcellentMany strengths, including significant examples of sector-leading practice. GoodMany strengths and no important areas requiring significant improvement. AdequateStrengths outweigh areas for improvement. UnsatisfactoryImportant areas for improvement outweigh strengths SETTING A CONTEXT: Coming to judgements:

10 Estyn descriptors Nearly all = with very few exceptions Most =90% or more Many = 70% or more A majority = over 60% Half/Around half =close to 50% Minority =below 40% Few =below 20% Very few =less than 10%

11 Defining Sector Leading Practice: Sector Cutting edge Innovative practice Ahead of others Inspirational Leading Exemplar to others Transferable to others Practice Highly effective Focused on improvement Clear impact on learners’ progress and achievement


13 What are the implications for us as a Good Practice Group?

14 Goblygiadau / Implications: Sector-leading practice / Arfer sy’n arwain y sector Schools invited to write-up short case studies. Practice must be capable of standing up to scrutiny. SLP section on Estyn’s website. Site will be dynamic- change after three years. SLP showcased at events and in publications Ysgolion wedi’u gwahodd i ysgrifennu astudiaethau achos byr Rhaid i arfer allu wrthsefyll craffu Adran am AAS ar wefan Estyn Bydd y safle yn ddeinamig – newid ar ôl tair blynedd Arddangos AAS mewn digwyddiadau a chyhoeddiadau



17 Inspection Reports – 2010 Framework: Group 1: Read the Question 1 section in these recent Inspection Reports. Identify the features that are good, adequate and outstanding. Group 2: Read the Question 2 section in these recent Inspection Reports. Identify the features that are good, adequate and outstanding.


19 Exemplifying Best Practice: Ysgol Esgob Gore

20 Outstanding learning? Learners can: Analyse and weigh evidence Make hypotheses and justify Make connections and deductions Offer/accept alternative viewpoints Refine and review findings/views © Belle Wallace 2004

21 Involved in decision-making Involved in planning learning Team-work/Independence Problem-solving – real world Creativity- risk-taking, imagination Practical application to life © Belle Wallace 2004 Outstanding learning?

22 Update: Cynnal’s Self Evaluation Template

23 Where next?

24 Close and Evaluate:

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