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Ford September 2011. Key Campaign information Environment/Panels Key Campaign Objective Other Media 575 6-sheet panels Illustrate how 6-sheets can strengthen.

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Presentation on theme: "Ford September 2011. Key Campaign information Environment/Panels Key Campaign Objective Other Media 575 6-sheet panels Illustrate how 6-sheets can strengthen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ford September 2011

2 Key Campaign information Environment/Panels Key Campaign Objective Other Media 575 6-sheet panels Illustrate how 6-sheets can strengthen perceptions and deliver additional awareness over and above TV

3 Advertising Awareness Posters strong at delivering advertising recall Q9. You say you have seen some advertising for Ford recently, where do you remember seeing this particular advertising? Source: RedBlue Ford Research 2011

4 Recognition The 6-sheet campaign achieved strong cut through Q13b. Have you seen any of these posters recently? Source: RedBlue Ford Research 2011 42% recall seeing the Ford 6-Sheets

5 Recognition The outdoor amplified the awareness achieved by the TV campaign Q13a. Have you seen this advert, or anything like it on television recently? / Q13b. Have you seen any of these posters recently? Source: RedBlue Ford Research 2011

6 Brand Perceptions The 6-sheet campaign successfully strengthened brand perceptions Q16. Using a scale of 1 – 10, where 1 is not at all accurate and 10 is very accurate, how accurate are each of the following in describing Ford Source: RedBlue Ford Research 2011 Trustworthy Innovative Premium Different Passionate Ambitious Desirable Confident Forward thinking Responsible Successful Modern

7 Car Buying and Advertising The campaign has strengthened perceptions of what 6-sheets can deliver Q12. Which of the following types of advertising do you think are successful at…? Source: RedBlue Ford Research 2011 Thinking about buying a car Stage 1 Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4 Actively looking In the final stages Recently bought a car Total: 12%Total: 14%Total: 6%Total: 3% Aware: 19% Total: 9%Total: 4% +58%+36%+50%

8 Summary The campaign achieved strong cut through with out of home playing a significant part The 6-sheets amplified the campaign awareness achieved by the TV In line with objectives, the 6-sheets strengthened brand perceptions

9 Want to find out more? Contact the JC Decaux research team to find out how the campaign performed across other metrics

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