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Quiz Electromagnetic spectrum. Using the quiz … Click through the quiz to see the questions and answers. Remember it is MUCH better to try to think of.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz Electromagnetic spectrum. Using the quiz … Click through the quiz to see the questions and answers. Remember it is MUCH better to try to think of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz Electromagnetic spectrum

2 Using the quiz … Click through the quiz to see the questions and answers. Remember it is MUCH better to try to think of the answer, rather than just clicking to read it.

3 1. What two properties are common to all types of electromagnetic radiation? They travel at the speed of light and they can travel across a vacuum Answer Next question

4 2. Which type of electromagnetic radiation has the longest wavelength ? Radio Answer Next question

5 3. Name the two examples of ionising radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum Gamma and X-rays ( very high frequency UV may also be ionising) Answer Next question

6 4. Name the three examples in the electromagnetic spectrum which are known to cause cancer gamma X rays ultra violet Answer Next question

7 5. Which type of electromagnetic radiation is used for satellite communication ? microwaves ( these pass through the atmosphere, unlike radio waves ) Answer Next question

8 6. What is the correct name for heat radiation ? Infra red Answer Next question

9 7. Which type of radiation can cause a sun tan or skin cancer ? Ultra violet Answer Next question

10 8. Which type of electromagnetic radiation is a type of radioactivity ? Gamma Answer Next question

11 9. Why is sound not part of the electromagnetic spectrum ? it does not travel at the speed of light and it cannot pass through a vacuum Answer Next question

12 10. Which type of electromagnetic radiation is absorbed by water ? Microwaves – this is why they are useful for cooking Answer Next question

13 11. When electromagnetic radiation is absorbed, what type of energy is produced ? It becomes heat (thermal) energy Answer Next question

14 12. Which is the only type of electromagnetic radiation which is harmless ? Radio (even light can damage the retina) Answer Next slide

15 That was the last question. I hope you got all the answers correct ! Try againExit quiz

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