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Performance PLG 3 rd August, 2011 Richard Wells, Head of Knowledge & Intelligence Performance Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance PLG 3 rd August, 2011 Richard Wells, Head of Knowledge & Intelligence Performance Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance PLG 3 rd August, 2011 Richard Wells, Head of Knowledge & Intelligence Performance Report

2 Performance for the week ending 17.07.11 is 97.20% with two Trusts below 95% and two Trusts below 95% year to date. Performance this week is 0.05% higher than the comparable week in 2010. A&E Performance – All types

3 A&E Performance – All Types (1 of 2)

4 A&E Performance – All Types (2 of 2)

5 A&E Performance – Type 1

6 A&E Trust Performance – Unmapped by type: YTD from 10/04/11

7 % Handover Times over 15 mins: 20% Red Average Handover Time Target: 15 Red Week Ending 12 th June 2011 Patient Handover Times

8 18 Weeks waits data – June 2011 provisional Please note RAG rating has been applied against 11/12 thresholds

9  The provisional data for May shows there are ten Trusts breaching the 95 th percentile standard. Five Trusts have breached the median wait threshold supporting measure.  Two Trusts are performing above the non- admitted 95 th percentile standard- Kingston Hospital and South London Healthcare. Four Trusts are above the median wait.  Nine Trusts are above the incomplete 95 th percentile and eight Trusts are above the median wait. Referral to treatment: 95 th Percentile trend data Orange line is a trend line - showing the 3 month rolling average.

10 Overall performance includes London’s independent Sector Providers Referral to treatment: specialty data Please note RAG rating has been applied against 11/12 thresholds

11 Provisional June data shows an increase in 6-week waits compared to May 2011. (1205 compared to 1172) Diagnostics – June 2011 provisional The table above shows Trusts that have had over two diagnostic waits during the current or previous month.

12 Health Care Acquired Infections- Acute Trusts MRSA 27 th July 2011

13 May 2011 Cancer Position

14 Cancer Position – Last 3 months analysis

15 Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) May 2011

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