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Further Education – New Horizon Investing in Skills for Sustainable Growth David Hughes National Director of College & Provider Services Skills Funding.

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Presentation on theme: "Further Education – New Horizon Investing in Skills for Sustainable Growth David Hughes National Director of College & Provider Services Skills Funding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Further Education – New Horizon Investing in Skills for Sustainable Growth David Hughes National Director of College & Provider Services Skills Funding Agency 17 November 2010 AoC Conference

2 Coalition Approach Investment strategy for truly lifelong learning, nurturing sustainable economic growth & social renewal Based on: –Fairness –Shared responsibility –Greater freedom And in context of Skills for Sustainable Growth strategy

3 Reform Programme: Confirm, restate and communicate the need for a skilled nation Provide a prestigious suite of qualifications that are well regarded by employers and portable Deregulating the sector, simplifying the funding system and reducing the number of organisations involved in the skills delivery landscape Work with employers over the need to train and where appropriate introduce levies and licences to practice Through the development of Life Long Learning Accounts financially support the most vulnerable in society by fully subsidising programmes: For those with poor basic skills, Young adults (19-24) who didn’t complete their secondary education (level 2 qualification)‏ and who could progress and gain level 3. Rebalance Government investment by introducing co-funding and loans for full time adults (over 24) programmes leading to a recognised Level 3 QCF qualification. Empower the prospective student by providing a career service that gives impartial advice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 Headlines FE resource budget reduced by 25% to 2014-15 Savings through: –Efficiencies –Policy changes –Unit cost reductions –Changes to statutory entitlements –Re-balancing who pays –More freedoms for colleges

5 Funding and Investment 3,6073,734 Total Skills Funding Agency 172179337 Funding not routed through the Skills Funding Agency 278305 Capital Grants 5156137 Skills Infrastructure (including LSIS)‏ 848182 Information Advice and Guidance 163151144 Learner Support 210,210 Adult Safeguarded Learning 131133134 OLASS 648605360 of which Apprenticeships 2,6852,7952,835 Adult Skills Budget Indicative Budget 2012-13 Budget 2011-12 SR baseline 2010-11 (£000s)‏

6 Expand Adult Apprenticeships –Over 200,000 starts per year –75,000 increase by 2014/15 –Reshape programme so Level 3 becomes the level to aspire to Employers –New Growth and Innovation Fund –Financial support to SMEs to co-fund the costs of training up to and including a Level 2 Unemployed –State subsidy for targeted provision for people on active benefits to help them obtain work Skills Strategy sets out key commitments

7 Individuals –Government backed loans to help finance intermediate and higher level qualifications from 2013/14 –Lifelong Learning Accounts for all adults –All Age Careers Service The Funding System –Simplified systems and processes –Greater alignment across pre- and post-19 systems –Remove regulations to free colleges to deliver to their local communities Skills Strategy sets out key commitments (2)‏

8 Who is eligible for funding? From 2011/12: More flexible delivery for unemployed / offenders through funding units and full qualifications Greater focus on those on active benefits Consequent narrowing of fee remission category Continued full funding for literacy and numeracy (uplift removed)‏ ESOL fully-funded for unemployed / offenders (as above); co- funded for those settled here. ESOL in the workplace will no longer be eligible for funding Skills for Life uplift (1.2) removed from literacy and ESOL Rates reduce by 4.3% - new and existing learners Reform of Funding

9 What is eligible for funding? From 2011/12: Growth in Adult Apprenticeships Adult Apprenticeships continue to be co-funded; expectation that employer contributions will increase Co-funding at Level 2 for workplace learning outside of Apprenticeships will only be available to SMEs (fewer than 250 employees) Level 3 and above delivery in the workplace (outside of Apprenticeships and current entitlement) will no longer be eligible for funding Adult Safeguarded Learning protected

10 From 2012/13, proposed changes to statutory entitlement: Full funding for first full Level 2 and 3 focused on young people (19 to up to 24, ie 23)‏ From 2013/14 FE Fee Loans introduced for Level 3 or higher qualifications where public funding is no longer available (24 and over) Reform of Funding (2)

11 For 2011/12 Single Adult Skills Budget Rationalisation of Adult Safeguard lines Minimum Contract Level (£500k)‏ Introduction of Outcome Payments – For jobs from 2011/12 – Wider consultation on approach for 2012/13 From 2012/13 Simplified rates system Removal of provider factor (except area costs)‏ Simplification of data returns Simplification of learner support / hardship fund Disadvantage uplift incorporated into Learning Support Simplification of funding system

12 Single Adult Skills Budget Indicative for 12/13…. Need to ensure growth of Apprenticeships…. ….and reflect end of Train to Gain / reduced work-based learning offer Transparent methodology will be set out in Skills Funding Agency Guidance Note Expect to get indicative Adult Skills allocations out before Christmas Additional Learning Support Budget (ALS) to be aligned Offender Learning and Skills Service (OLASS); European Social Fund (ESF) and Adult Safeguard will be separate Final Allocations in March 2011 Reflect impact of MLP Update for mid-year estimates/Quarter 2 changes Reflect outcome of discussions for those providers falling below MCL 2011/12 Allocations

13 Alignment with YPLA Joint briefings for sector – with AOC, ALP and UKCES – in January 2011 Agreement over LLDD Entitlement funding for 16–18 year olds turning 19 (sixth form colleges especially)‏ 16-18 funding for colleges and providers routed through Agency 16-18 Apprenticeship budget available in December?

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