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1 Development of Electronic Reporting Tools for IPPC Directive and WI Directive Workshop – Session Three (WI) Tuesday 3 rd March 2009 Meeting room 0A,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Development of Electronic Reporting Tools for IPPC Directive and WI Directive Workshop – Session Three (WI) Tuesday 3 rd March 2009 Meeting room 0A,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Development of Electronic Reporting Tools for IPPC Directive and WI Directive Workshop – Session Three (WI) Tuesday 3 rd March 2009 Meeting room 0A, DG ENV, Avenue de Beaulieu, Brussels Peter Stouthuysen

2 2 8/9. Session Three: Tool 1 (Implementation of WI Directive)

3 3 WID: Explanation of general approach Restructuring of questionnaire Use of standardised answers Guidance and validation rules

4 4 Restructuring of questionnaire: –Thematical regrouping – not following the original Article by article structure. –As much as possible questions are grouped together –6 major themes: 1)Definitions 2)Number of installations/permits/waste (co-)incinerated 3)Permit 4)Public participation 5)Abnormal operation of installations 6)Other WID: Explanation of general approach

5 5 WID: Use of pre-filled and standardised answers Pre-filled answers : –Not possible since this is the first reporting period Standardised answers : –Similar approach as for the IPPC tool including the use of option boxes and tick boxes

6 6 WID: Examples of restructuring and standardised answers ORIGINAL QUESTIONS QUESTIONS 1, 3, 4,5, 6, 13 and 14 all relate to numbers of installations and permits and capacities. These questions are grouped into one single question.

7 7 WID: Examples of restructuring and pre-answers Restructuring 2. Number of installations/permits/waste (co-incinerated)

8 8 WID: Examples of restructuring and standardised answers ORIGINAL QUESTIONS Q7What categories of waste (as set up within the European Waste Catalogue, if possible) are being co-incinerated in cement plants? Q8What categories of waste (as set up within the European Waste Catalogue, if possible) are being co-incinerated in: a) combustion plants other than cement? and b) industrial sectors not covered under Annex II.1 and II.2 co- incinerating waste? Q9 If these data are available, please identify the amounts of waste that may be co-incinerated in these plants.

9 9 WID: Examples of restructuring and standardised answers

10 10 WID: Examples of restructuring and standardised answers ORIGINAL QUESTION Q29WHAT PROVISIONS ARE MADE WITHIN THE PERMITTING PROCESS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 11 PARAGRAPHS 2 TO 12 AND 17, AS REGARDS AIR, AND PARAGRAPHS 9 AND 14 TO 17, AS REGARDS WATER? Q29 is split into several questions: 3.14, 3.15, 3.16 and 3.17

11 11 WID: Examples of restructuring and pre-answers Restructuring

12 12 WID: Examples of restructuring and pre-answers Restructuring

13 13 WID: Examples of restructuring and pre-answers Restructuring

14 14 WID: Examples of restructuring and pre-answers Restructuring

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