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1 Data issues in linking economic and hydrological data at river basin level and country approaches Alessandra Alfieri United Nations Statistics Division.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Data issues in linking economic and hydrological data at river basin level and country approaches Alessandra Alfieri United Nations Statistics Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Data issues in linking economic and hydrological data at river basin level and country approaches Alessandra Alfieri United Nations Statistics Division

2 2 Outline Data issues for compiling water accounts at the river-basin levelData issues for compiling water accounts at the river-basin level SpatialSpatial TemporalTemporal Country approachesCountry approaches NetherlandsNetherlands SwedenSweden AustraliaAustralia

3 3 Spatial dimension River basin is internationally recognized as the unit of reference for IWRMRiver basin is internationally recognized as the unit of reference for IWRM Hydrological information is compiled at river basin levelHydrological information is compiled at river basin level Economic accounts are compiled at the administrative region levelEconomic accounts are compiled at the administrative region level How to reconcile?How to reconcile?

4 4 Temporal dimension Temporal reference of economic data differs from tat of hydrological dataTemporal reference of economic data differs from tat of hydrological data Economic accounts are usually compiled annually, or at most, quarterlyEconomic accounts are usually compiled annually, or at most, quarterly Hydrological data more frequentHydrological data more frequent Annual data may hide seasonal variabilityAnnual data may hide seasonal variability =>Build water accounts based on the accounting year by aggregating the more frequent hydrological data

5 5 Dutch River Basins As Rhine covers 70% of Dutch territory is split-up 4 sub-regions: North, East, West and Centre

6 6 River Basins vs Regional Economic Accounts

7 7 Regional Economic Accounts 40 Administrative Regions40 Administrative Regions Each administrative region consists of several municipalitiesEach administrative region consists of several municipalities 512 Municipalities512 Municipalities Regional accounts are at administrative region levelRegional accounts are at administrative region level Only number of employees is estimated at the establishment level by locationOnly number of employees is estimated at the establishment level by location

8 8 Assigning Regional Accounts to River Basins - Netherlands ECONOMIC DATA 23 administrative regions fall directly within a specific river basin23 administrative regions fall directly within a specific river basin 17 overlap17 overlap How to allocate the economic accounts for the administrative regions that overlap to the river basins? On the basis of the estimated percentage of employees working in a specific River BasinOn the basis of the estimated percentage of employees working in a specific River BasinMethod: If municipality where the plant is located within the river basin, then all employees are considered working in the river basinIf municipality where the plant is located within the river basin, then all employees are considered working in the river basin If municipalities fall into 2 River Basins: use postal codes to identify exact location of establishmentIf municipalities fall into 2 River Basins: use postal codes to identify exact location of establishment If postal code falls into 2 River Basins: use area of postal code falling in the river basin to allocate the percentage of business units and employeesIf postal code falls into 2 River Basins: use area of postal code falling in the river basin to allocate the percentage of business units and employees

9 9 Assigning Regional Accounts to River Basins - Netherlands Physical information on water is often collected at river basin levelPhysical information on water is often collected at river basin level If not, use same method as economic dataIf not, use same method as economic data NoteNote If location of emissions does not correspond to the location of activity, emissions are allocated to the river basin where the activity takes place (polluter pays principle)If location of emissions does not correspond to the location of activity, emissions are allocated to the river basin where the activity takes place (polluter pays principle)

10 10 Allocation of water data (abstraction and returns) - Sweden Allocation of 289 municipality data to 8 River BasinsAllocation of 289 municipality data to 8 River Basins 119 entirely within specific River Basin119 entirely within specific River Basin 165 intersected with only minor part or all major urban areas located within a River Basin165 intersected with only minor part or all major urban areas located within a River Basin 5 were disaggregated based on population percentages in urban areas5 were disaggregated based on population percentages in urban areas Abstracted water for own use by households not connected to the public network estimated using real estate register + 189 litre/dayAbstracted water for own use by households not connected to the public network estimated using real estate register + 189 litre/day

11 11 Allocation of water use by agriculture at river basin level - Australia On the basis of area of cultivated land Calculate water use per hectare per cropCalculate water use per hectare per crop Calculate Total Agricultural Water Use per Statistical Local AreaCalculate Total Agricultural Water Use per Statistical Local Area Compare maps of Statistical Local Areas and River Basins: allocate water use based on percentage of overlap of SLA with RBCompare maps of Statistical Local Areas and River Basins: allocate water use based on percentage of overlap of SLA with RB

12 12 Some thoughts Adjust boundaries of administrative region and river basins according to specific circumstances => accounting catchmentAdjust boundaries of administrative region and river basins according to specific circumstances => accounting catchment Adopt a pragmatic approach depending on the circumstances and data availabilityAdopt a pragmatic approach depending on the circumstances and data availability For policy purposes it is important to have physical and economic information disaggregated at the same geographical level.For policy purposes it is important to have physical and economic information disaggregated at the same geographical level.

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