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Jelle van Minnen 20 June 2013 1 EPA IG Climate & Adaptation.

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1 Jelle van Minnen 20 June 2013 1 EPA IG Climate & Adaptation

2 Jelle van Minnen, EPA IG CCA activities 20 June 2013, EIONET, Copenhagen 2 The EPA network Informal grouping bringing together the directors of EPAs and similar bodies across Europe, led by EEA to exchange views and experiences on issues of common interest Inform & support Brussels

3 Jelle van Minnen, EPA IG CCA activities 20 June 2013, EIONET, Copenhagen 3 EPA IG Climate & Adaptation 15 - 20 EPAs active, incl. some regions 16 workshops Objectives 1.Exchange MS experiences 2.Support EC Policy 3.Lean about (EU) projects 4.Discuss “scientific information/issues”

4 Jelle van Minnen, EPA IG CCA activities 20 June 2013, EIONET, Copenhagen 4 Recent achievements (1): EU assessments EUSAI report 9 + 1 countries Objective: Assess whether adaptation polices are in place & how adaptation policies are implemented Recommendations Develop adequate IVA Assessments Develop and implement adequate adaptation strategies and action plans Ensure coordinated adaptation policy and its implementation Provide knowledge on costs and benefits,

5 Jelle van Minnen, EPA IG CCA activities 20 June 2013, EIONET, Copenhagen 5 Recent achievements (1): EU assessments (ii) EUSAI report (ii) Conclusions Early stage in adapting to climate change Governments are not sufficiently prepared for the expected impacts of climate change and do not have adequate actions in place to deal with these unavoidable negative effects

6 Jelle van Minnen, EPA IG CCA activities 20 June 2013, EIONET, Copenhagen 6 Recent achievements (2): International Dimensions Based on UK 2011 study, others follow UK assessment: Multiple sectors National security Resources and commodities Finance and business Infrastructur Health impacts of climate change differ largely Climate change as a risk multiplier

7 Jelle van Minnen, EPA IG CCA activities 20 June 2013, EIONET, Copenhagen 7 Recent achievements (2): International Dimensions (ii) Main conclusion International risks could be equal in scale to direct impacts within UK shores Questions to network How significant are risks to Europe & MS from climate impacts outside our borders? What (if anything) is being done about them? How might we as EPAs support the response to these types of risk? Climate change as a risk multiplier

8 Jelle van Minnen, EPA IG CCA activities 20 June 2013, EIONET, Copenhagen 8 EPA IG achievements (3): Monitoring & Evaluation M&E is upcoming issue in MS & EU Updated on UK & Germany & Switzerland UK: Indicators for exposure, Vulnerability & adaptation action EPA Framework based on UK Adaptation ladder Added sectors SWOT analysis to define needs Tested/discussed for water, biodiversity & spatial planning & cities

9 Jelle van Minnen, EPA IG CCA activities 20 June 2013, EIONET, Copenhagen 9 EPA IG achievements (3): Monitoring & Evaluation (ii)

10 Jelle van Minnen, EPA IG CCA activities 20 June 2013, EIONET, Copenhagen 10 EPA IG Climate & Adaptation: Summary Nice & inspiring group Can be of use for the Commission Identified Much going on in MS Quite some interesting challenges

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13 SAI Findings (ii) 1.Most countries have prepared high quality risk and vulnerability assessments –One country had not conduced RVAs on national level –In some cases RVAs are based on climate scenarios close to the 2-degree target 2.2 of the 8 countries have developed a comprehensive adaptation strategy –Most countries are in the process of developing strategies

14 SAI Findings (ii) 3.Coordination of adaptation policies is not sufficient Framework for coordination in place but almost all SAIs reported insufficient coordination 4.Current challenges initiate adaptation actions Implementation of actions(measures) identified is a response on current challenges; not initiated by anticipated medium or long- term CC impacts 5.Lack of cost estimates in policy documents Cost estimates are made for particular sectors or where plans have been fully approved

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