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Eco-Pedological Map of the Alpine Territory: a Crossborder Example.

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Presentation on theme: "Eco-Pedological Map of the Alpine Territory: a Crossborder Example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eco-Pedological Map of the Alpine Territory: a Crossborder Example

2 Things to take into account: *Technical specification of the Project (dimensions, exchange format,... ) *INSPIRE framework (co-ordinate system, grid size,...) *deadlines (end of 2004)

3 Participants: *Borut Vrščaj, Tomaž Kralj University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Agronomy Department, Center for Soil and Environmental Science *ERSA Regional Agency for Rural Development, Soil Bureau *Stefano Barbieri, Sara Zanolla

4 Pilot area 20 km

5 Getting to “know” each other: *National/Regional projection systems *Scale of soil survey *Resolution of DTMs *Availability of ancillary datasets *Software *Classification systems *Analytic methods, *...

6 FVGSLO projection systems Gauss-Boaga Gaus-Krueger soil survey scale 1:100.000-1:40.000 1:25.000 resolution of DTMs 40 m 25m ancillary datasets CORINE 1995 (2000?) CORINE 1995+2000 software Arcview 3.1 Arcgis 8.1/ArcINFO

7 Methods: *use of FTP *3 folders to store data in all the co-ordinate systems *Conversions performed in ArcINFO *Use of ancillary datasets (CORINE, DTMs, climatic data) *Joint field trips and description of soil profiles *Common elaboration and harmonisation of soil maps and exchange formats

8 Future activities Next workshop: end of August Field excursions: end of September, beginning of October


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