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Published byKallie Wigginton Modified over 10 years ago
1 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Libor Černikovský Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Czech Republic http://www.chmi.cz
2 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Contents Legislation Reporting Obligations Database (ROD) Reporting obligations QA/QC Data quality objectives (DQO)
3 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Legislation 1/2 EoI... Council Dec. 97/101/EC of 27 January 1997 establishing a reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring ambient air pollution within the Member States (OJ L 35, 5.2.1997, p. 14–22) FWD... Council Dir. 96/62/EC of 27 September 1996 on ambient air quality assessment and management (OJ L 296, 21.11.1996, p. 55–63) 1 st DD... Council Dir. 1999/30/EC of 22 April 1999 relating to limit values for SO 2, NO 2, NO X, PM, Pb in ambient air (OJ L163, 29.06.1999, pp.41-60) 2 nd DD... Dir. 2000/69/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 November 2000 relating to limit values for benzene and CO in ambient air (OJ L313, 13.12.2000, p.12-21) 3 rd DD... Dir. 2002/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2002 relating to O 3 in ambient air (OJ L67, 09.03.2002, p.14-30) 4 th DD... Dir. 2004/107/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2004 relating to As, Cd, Hg, Ni, PAH in ambient air (OJ L23, 26.01.2005, pp.3-16) 2004/224/EC... Commission Dec. 2004/224/EC of 20 February 2004 laying down arrangements for the submission of information on plans or programmes required under Council Dir. 96/62/EC in relation to limit values for certain pollutants in ambient air (Text with EEA relevance) (notified under document number C(2004) 491) 2004/461/EC... Commission Dec. 2004/461/EC of 29 April 2004 laying down a questionnaire to be used for annual reporting on ambient air quality assessment under Council Dir. 96/62/EC and 1999/30/EC and under Dir. 2000/69/EC and 2002/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document number C(2004) 1714), (Text with EEA relevance) (OJ L156, 30.04.2004, pp.78-125) CLRTAP... Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, UN 1979
4 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Legislation 2/2 AQD - the new AQ Directive Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe enters into force on 11 June 2008 merges FWD, 1st DD, 2nd & 3rd DD which will be repealed on the date of transposition of the new Directive, i. e. 11 June 2010
5 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Reporting obligations Reporting obligationLegislationReport toDeadline EoI Data on air quality measurements at monitoring stations EoIDG ENV (EC)1.10. Assessment annual reporting for 1 st DD 1st DDDG ENV (EC)30.9. Assessment annual reporting for 2 nd DD 2nd DDDG ENV (EC)30.9. Annual ozone exceedances reporting for 3 rd DD 3rd DDDG ENV (EC)30.9. Assessment annual reporting of exceedances for 4 th DD 4th DDDG ENV (EC)30.9. Annual report on AQ assessment and management 2004/461/ECDG ENV (EC)30.9. Monthly and summer ozone exceedances 3rd DDDG ENV (EC)31.10. Plans and programmes for the abatement of air pollution FWDDG ENV (EC)31.12. Annual reporting on AQ limit values plans and programmes 2004/224/ECDG ENV (EC)31.12. Triennial AQ reviews, action plans and measures under 3 rd DD 3rd DDDG ENV (EC)30.9.10 Triennial progress report on progress ozone plans and programmes 3rd DDDG ENV (EC)30.9.10 Indirect reporting obligations Near real-time ozone data 3rd DDEEAcontinuous Reporting obligation for Data and accompanying report on ground vegetation (ICP Forests) CLRTAPPCC31.12.
6 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Reporting Obligations Database 1/3 database of reporting obligations includes all environmental reporting obligations that EEA member countries have towards DG Environment, European marine conventions, Eurostat, OECD, UN, UNECE, as well as the EEA itself links further to the Data Dictionary,, where details about the specific parameters are described what to produce and deliver in a comparable way, data file structures, such as definitions of data sets, tables, data elements, allowable values, common code sets and other technical requirements algorithms needed in validation of delivered data and serves as a reference for users
7 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Reporting Obligations Database 2/3
8 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Reporting Obligations Database 3/3
9 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Data on AQ measurements at monitoring stations - EoI Council Decision 97/101/EC of 27 January 1997 establishing a reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring ambient air pollution within the MS The Annexes of the Decision were amended by Commision Decision 2001/752/EC and its corrigendum an EIONET Priority Data flow The software tool Data Exchange Module used for delivery the national AQ data made available each year Reporting guidelines:
10 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 EoI - AQ Data Exchange Module (AQ DEM) PC based sw used to EoI on AQ data (raw data, statistics and ozone exceedances) and meta information on operational AQ networks, stations and measurement configurations
11 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 EoI - AirBase public AQ database contains AQ monitoring data and information submitted by the participating countries throughout Europe
12 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Assessment annual reporting for DD 1/2 Annual reporting under the DDs must follow Commission Decision 2004/461/EC (‘questionnaire’) = an EIONET Priority Data flow requires MS to annually report on issues relating to limit and target values of pollutants in ambient air Commission Decision lays down questionnaire for annual reporting Reporting guidelines:
13 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Assessment annual reporting for DD 2/2 Modification of the Questionnaire under Decision 2004/461/EC and related guidance has been prepared to enable reporting of 4th DD on a voluntary basis already for the reporting year 2007, with the deadline of submission at 30 September 2008 This reporting will become mandatory in 2009 Changes: inclusion of relevant forms covering monitoring of As,Ni,Cd, Hg, BaP and related PAH in ambient air and deposition, and the recommendation on reporting of zones as endorsed already in the past by CAFE Steering Group MS are free to continue to use the original questionnaire under decision 2004/461/EC, but are encouraged to use the new Questionnaire even if no information of the assessment under 4th Daughter Directive is provided, as it has minor modifications on Form 0 and Form 2 to facilitate submission and processing
14 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Zones in EU MS in relation to AQ thresholds based on reporting for DD‘s and ‘questionnaire’
15 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Monthly and summer ozone exceedances 1/2 2002/3/EC Articles 10(2a.i), 10(2a.ii) reporting covers summer season (period April – September) an EIONET Priority Data flow Reporting guidelines: http://air- mer_reporting_formats.html http://air- mer_reporting_formats.html Information: circle/airclimate/library?l=/public&vm=detailed&sb=Title circle/airclimate/library?l=/public&vm=detailed&sb=Title
16 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Monthly and summer ozone exceedances 2/2
17 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Plans and programmes 1/3 Under FWD and 2004/224/EC MS need to ensure that limit values are complied with throughout the territory by their respective attainment dates, and that target values are respected. Action is required before the attainment dates when certain assessment thresholds set in the AQ Directives are exceeded, generating a requirement to prepare and implement AQ plans or programmes. Minimum requirements of such plan are given in the FWD, incl. assigning zones and agglomerations measuring and/or modelling AQ harmonised assessment and structured reporting on AQ throughout the territory exceedances of limit value and margins of tolerance reasons thereof
18 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Plans and programmes 2/3 Plan/programme need to be available to the public and reported to the Commission within 2 years after the exceedance has been assessed. Reporting guidelines: n_plans.pdf Delivery process/content of this obligation overlaps with reporting obligation for Annual report (‘questionnaire’) on AQ assessment and management (2004/461/EC)
19 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Plans and programmes 3/3 Experiences: Workshop on Plans and Programmes, 2004 Review of AQ management plans from 30 cities, independent from the Commission, 2005 Study on Plans and Programmes reported under 1996/62/EC, 2006 Study on AQ and the ancillary benefits of climate change policies, 2006 Study on Plans and Programmes, 2007 Study on the impact of changes in the vehicle fleet and treatment technology on the attainment of the limit value for NO 2, 2007
20 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Triennial AQ reviews/ progress report 3 rd DD - 2002/3/EC, Article 10(2c): forward to the Commission every 3 years, within the framework of the sectoral report referred to in Article 4 of Council Directive 91/692/EEC (1), (i) information reviewing the levels of ozone observed or assessed, as appropriate, in the zones and agglomerations referred to in Articles 3(2), Article 4(2) and Article 5 (ii) information on any measures taken or planned under Article 4(2) (iii) information regarding decisions on short-term action plans and concerning the design and content, and an assessment of the effects, of any such plans prepared in accordance with Article 7. 2002/3/EC, Article 10(1c): inform the Commission every 3 years of the progress of plans/programmes
21 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Near real-time ozone data 1/2 3 rd DD - 2002/3/EC Articles 10(2a.i), 10(2a.ii) hourly data reporting continuously throughout year covers whole year an EIONET Priority Data flow Reporting guidelines: circle/airclimate/library?l=/public/real- time_operational/guidelines_20070420/_EN_1.3.1_&a=i Operational documents: circle/airclimate/library?l=/public/real- time_operational&vm=detailed&sb=Title circle/airclimate/library?l=/public/real- time_operational&vm=detailed&sb=Title
22 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Near real-time ozone data 2/2 provides the public with easy access to information about ozone pollution across Europe the PM10 web site will be launched, too
23 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Reporting obligation for data and accompanying report on ground vegetation (ICP Forests, CLRTAP)) Information: Reporting guidelines:
24 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Reporting under the new AQ Directive The new Directive will introduce new reporting provisions which would take into account the current implementation experience, IT development and legislative frameworks such as INSPIRE. The new Implementing Provisions on Reporting are currently developed by the Commission with the support of the working Group on Data Exchange consisting of the national experts, EEA and the Commission representatives.
25 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Monitoring objective = usable data The measured data must allow an objective and quantitative assessment of AQ, whether it complies with relevant national and European standards, limit values, guidelines and other rules. All tools used for AQ data acquisition, processing and evaluation has to generate data which is acceptable by the national authority, European Commission and European Environmental Agency in terms of quantity, quality and format in which is data stored, presented and transmitted. QA/AC plans
26 Libor Černikovský: EU Air Quality Reporting Requirements Workshop on Air Quality for West Balkan countries, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-21 November 2008 Thank you for attention.
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